Sunday, October 6, 2019

Visual art exhibition in Hong Kong Research Proposal

Visual art exhibition in Hong Kong - Research Proposal Example The essay "Visual art exhibition in Hong Kong" discovers the Hong Kong's visual art exhibition. The Hong Kong government has recognized the significance of mega events in developing the tourism sector. It has established the Mega Events Fund (MEF) to host major arts, sports, and cultural events in the country. A three-dimensional painting visual art exhibition, as a mega event, can obtain better return on investment if it is launched in compliance with cultural and economic policies of the country. The expo should take advantages of advanced internet based technologies to provide a great watching experience to the audience. Above all, the event management team must ensure the strong cooperation of the Hong Kong government and global as well as national media to promote the event effectively. The planned expo, a three-dimensional painting visual art exhibition in Hong Kong, falls under the category of a mega event. The term mega event is used to describe high profile worldwide events like Olympic Games, FIFA World Cup, and expos. Although the term mega event has not been well defined, a big event is clearly distinct from a mega event. The number of participants is not only the criterion used to recognize a mega event. According to a study conducted by Harry H. Hiller, â€Å"a mega event is first of all of fixed duration and on a short term basis. The event has a high profile, there is a worldwide interest linked to the event and there is a sustainable and measurable economic outcome†.

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