Tuesday, October 8, 2019

How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities toward Essay

How did the war change the attitudes of women and minorities toward their status in American society - Essay Example Mostly, their place was at home purposely to take care of the children and do house chores. This status was prominent due to undefined legal rights for the women. Moreover, their independence in terms of economic, civic and political issues was ignored1. However, the period of war brought about their interest in political matters. That helped in creating awareness on the issues of liberty and equality. For instance, women got involved in the war, and they felt more empowered by the idea that they could fight for the sake of the general freedom. Additionally, the idea that men, labour and the interest of children were sacrificed for the sake of war, gave them more bargaining tool. Consequently, they felt valuable and demanded equality and fair consideration in the society from the Government. Further, this helped in affirming their patriotism2. More still, according to Cott (2012), the women that were working in the defense plant, had good skills and admirable performance. That led to unique social, economic and psychological unity between women and men; something that was not there before the war. Besides, the war gave women a lot of social and psychological independence that they much desired before. For example, it brought about a stimulus to marriage. The number of Michigan weddings in December 1941 set a state record of for a single month, and this status rose again four years later with the onset of peace3. On the other hand, the war required America’s unity and mobilization as never before. In the period preceding the war, there was widespread discrimination towards the minorities with America. This discrimination was due to gender, race, and economic status. However, when most American most Americans were involved in the war, the minorities became very significant in providing labour. They changed their attitude and used the opportunity to push for favorable

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