Thursday, October 31, 2019

Western expansion and development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Western expansion and development - Essay Example The immigrants from China faced a lot of discrimination upon arriving in the United States which was evident in the manner of treatment that they received in the mines. In 1850s, the U.S government limited the right of naturalization to the white immigrants only which made it difficult for Chinese immigrants to pursue independent livelihoods. The Missouri Compromise allowed for slavery to continue in the newly acquired states which meant that immigrants of African descent were to be treated as slaves and not as people who came in search for greener pastures. The Mexican War saw the expansion of the United States to parts of territories that initially belonged to Mexico. This made it easy for immigrants from Mexico to move to the country with most of them settling in the states of Texas and Oregon regions. The United States played a critical role in ending the Second World War. The nation initially tried to avoid entering the war even as pressure from the Britain mounted. They finally agreed to take part in it as it was seen as a threat to its security. During the Holocaust, the United States did not lower its tight stance on immigration and it is believed many Jews would have been saved if the laws were lessened to allow Jews immigrants into the country. The American Jewish community had undermined the impact of the Holocaust and they failed to consider advocating for the uplifting of more Jews from the affected areas. During the World War II period the American Jewish community was bitterly and deeply divided, and was unable to form a common front. Proponents of a Jewish state and Jewish army agitated, but many leaders were so fearful of an anti-Semitic backlash inside the U.S. that they demanded that all Jews keep a low public profile. The Bracero Program which was formed in the year 1942 saw the increase of immigrants from Mexico who mainly came into the United States to offer cheap labor. At the onset of World War II, the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

A group II metal hydroxide Essay Example for Free

A group II metal hydroxide Essay To find the identity of X(OH)2 (a group II metal hydroxide) by determining its solubility from a titration with 0.05 mol dm-3 HCL Theory:1. Titrations are the reaction between an acid solution with an alkali. In this reaction (called neutralization), the acid donates a proton (H+) to the alkali (base). When the two solutions are combined, the products made are salt and water. For example: 2HCl(aq) + X(OH)2 (aq) XCl2 (aq) + 2H2O (l) This shows the one of the products i. e. salt being XCl2 and water. So titration therefore helps to find the concentration for a solution of unknown concentration. This involves the controlled addition of a standard solution of known. Indicators are used to determine, at what stage has the solution reached the equivalence point'(inflextion point). This means at which, does the number of moles base added equals the number of moles of acid present. i.e. pH 7 Titration of a strong Acid with a Strong Base: As shown in the graph, the pH goes up slowly from the start of the tiration to near the equivalence point. i.e (the beginning of the graph). At the equivalence point moles of acid equal mole of base, and the solution contains only water and salt from the cation of the base and the anion of the acid. i.e. the vertical part of the curve in the graph. At that point, a tiny amount of alkali casuses a sudden, big change in pH. i.e. neutralised. Also shown in the graph are methyl orange and phenolpthalein. These two are both indicators that are often used for acid-base titrations. They each change colour at different pH ranges. For a strong acid to strong alkali titration, either one of those indicators can be used. However for a strong acid/weak alkali only methyl orange will be used due to pH changing rapidly across the range for methyl orange. That is from low to high pH i.e. red to yellow respectively pH (3.3 to 4.4), but not for phenolpthalein. Weak acid/strong alkali, phenolpthalein is used, the pH changes rapidly in an alkali range. From high to low pH, that is from pink to colourless pH(10-8.3) respectively but not for methyl orange. However for a weak acid/ weak alkali titrations theres no sharp pH change, so neither can work. Therefore in this investigation, the titration will be between a 0.05 mol dm-3 of HCl with X(OH)2, using phenolphthalein. Dependant Variable: Is the volume of HCl to achieve a colour change that is from pink to colourless. The Controlled variables : 1. the same source of HCl 2. same concentration of HCl 3. Same source of X(OH)2 4. Same volume of X(OH)2 5. Same equipment, method, room temperature Controlled Variables How to control How to monitor 1. Same source of HCl Using the same batch of HCl or from the same brand will control this. If the concentration was not to be same throughout, then this will cause different ratios of the components of the solution, that might cause different volume of HCl to be obtained for the neutralization to occur. 2. Same concentration of HCl This will be controlled by using the same batch of HCl and from the same source i.e. the same brand. By using the same batch ensures that the reactant concentration is the same. If another batch were to be used causes the concentration to differ. This causes the HCl obtained to be different. 3.Same source of X(OH)2 Using the same batch of X(OH)2 or from the same brand will control this. If the concentration was not to be same throughout, then this will cause different ratios of the components of the solution that might cause different volume of HCl to be obtained for the neutralization to occur. 4. Same volume of X(OH)2 This will be controlled by using the same batch of X(OH)2 and from the same source i.e. the same brand. By using the same batch ensures that the reactant concentration is the same. If another batch were to be used causes the concentration to differ. This causes the HCl obtained to be different. 5. Same equipment, method, room temperature The method would be kept the same and the same set of equipment and brand will need to be used throughout. The room temperature will be kept throughout at 180C by using a water bath. If different equipment or brands were used then there would be a lot of anomalies in the experiment causing a huge amount of inaccuracy of measurement particularly. Results: Raw data results were collected by using 25.00 cm3 of X(OH)2 with phenolphthalein and the volume of HCl was obtained by the solution going from pink to colourless. The volume of HCl found in 50.0cm3 burette à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.05 cm3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average 19.600 19.800 19.600 19.700 19.675 Qualitative results that occurred during the experiment: * Conical flask swirling not even between the trials * Difficult to judge colourless solution change subjective end point * Ability to measure 25cm3 * Filling of burette accurately with HCl 0 point in right spot * Residual distilled water or solutions remain in conical flask i.e. diluted/interfered with subsequent solutions of X(OH)2 Average = trials (1+2+3+4)/4 Therefore: (19.6 + 19.8 + 19.6 + 19.7)/4 = 98.5/4 = 19.675 Due to the equation being 2HCl(aq) + X(OH)2 (aq) XCl2 (aq) + 2H2O (l) Therefore the ratio is 2:1 of 2 HCl : 1 X(OH)2 So using the equations mentioned above: Moles of acid is the number of moles= concentration X volume i.e. the volume will be used from the average Therefore: =0.05mol/dm3 x 19.675 cm3 =19.6 cm3 / 1000 = 0.0196 dm3 =0.05mol/dm3x0.0196 dm3 = 0.00098 moles So Moles of alkali in 25.000 cm3 Moles of HCl / 25.000 cm3 due to the ratio being 2:1, therefore 0.00098/2= 0.00049 moles of HCl So now the ratio is 1:1 so 0.00049 moles of X(OH)2 Moles of alkali in 100 cm3 It is assumed that there are four lots of 25 cm3 = 4 x 0.00049 = 0.00196 moles The next series of results will be used to calculate solubility of each compound by their mass in 100 cm3 The total Mr has been calculated in the table below for each compound. This was done by : Mr of X + ((O + H) X 2). Each element Mr for the following elements (OH)2 Total Mr Be 9.010 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 43.030 Mg 24.310 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 58.330 Ca 40.080 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 74.100 Sr 87.620 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 121.640 Ba 137.340 (16.00 +1.01) X 2 = 34.020 171.360 To obtain the solubilitys of metal II hydroxides is moles X Mr of the compound Therefore this table shows the calculation for the solubilitys for each of the different compounds Each element Total Mr Moles of X(OH)2 Solubiltity given as g/100 cm3 Literature values of the compounds given as g/100 cm3 Be(OH)2 43.03 0.00196 0.0843 0.000 Mg(OH)2 58.33 0.00196 0.114 0.001 Ca(OH)2 74.10 0.00196 0.0145 0.170 Sr(OH)2 121.64 0.00196 0.0238 0.770 Ba(OH)2 171.36 0.00196 0.335 3.700 Uncertainties: The uncertainty in measurement: Uncertainty due to pipette of 25.000 cm3 : Volume of X(OH)2 = à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.100 cm3 Percentage uncertainty = (0.1/25) X 100 = 0.400% Uncertainty due to Burrette of 50.000 cm3: Assumed due to measured volume of 19.675 cm3 and the uncertainty due to the smallest unit of measurement being 0.1 cm3 Therefore 0.1/2= à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ 0.050 cm3 Percentage uncertainty = (0.05 /19.675) X 100 = 0.254% Therefore total uncertainty = 0.400% + 0.254% = 0.654% Conclusion and Evaluation: X(OH)2 is most likely to be Ca(OH)2 as the calculated solubility is closest to the literature value given of Ca(OH)2. The solubility for Ca(OH)2 0.145 g/100 cm3 and the literature value is 0.170 g/100 cm3. This shows that the difference is only 0.025 cm3. However the comparison between Be(OH)2 of the calculated solubility is 0.0843 g/100 cm3 and of its literature value 0.000 g/100 cm3 . Shows that there is a greater difference. Showing that it cannot be X(OH)2 solution. This is also shown for Mg(OH)2 as the difference between the calculated solubility and the literature value is 0.113 g/100 cm3, showing that it still has a greater difference than Calcium hydroxide does. The difference between Sr(OH)2 and its literature value is 0.532g/100 cm3. However the difference between the calculated solubility of Barium hydroxide and the literature value is 3.365 g/100 cm3 showing there is a great difference so it cannot be Barium hydroxide. The percentage error of Ca(OH)2 = [(0.170 0.145)/0.170] X 100 = (0.025/0.170) X 100 = 14.705% Throughout the experiment there were systematic errors and random errors that were met. Uncertainties/limitations Error Type of error Quantity of error Explanation for error Improvements Measurement in burette Systematic error +/- 0.05cm3 Equipment limitation, this is because the line where each of the reading might not be precise. Different manufacturer should be used with multiple trials in order to increase the accuracy of the calculated value to the literature value. Measurement in pipette Systematic error +/-0.1cm3 Equipment limitation, this is because due to the pipette only holding 25 cm3 of volume. The line could have been where the actual reading might not be Causing the result to not be precise. Different manufacturer should be used with multiple trials in order to increase the accuracy of the calculated value to the literature value. Point of colour change Random error Not quantifiable Human observation subjective measurement. This is because even though a white tile is used, it is unclear as to what point has the solution gone colourless. Use alternative indicator for several different trials, use pH meter to assess neutralization point. Therefore there will be a more precise point as to when the solution becomes green. Temperature fluctuations Random error Not quantifiable There can be a change of measurements of equipment due to variation in expansion and contraction of materials. Due to the temperatures not being constant from the fan, windows or from the air conditioner. Controlled lab environment of the temperature by using a water bath at 180C with no air conditioner, fans working. To ensure no fluctuations occur. Fluctuations in humidity of room Random error Not quantifiable Change solution concentrations due to differences in evaporation rate in the surrounding air. Controlled lab environment Calibration error in burette Systematic error Not quantifiable 0 line incorrectly marked Divisions on burette inaccurate Use different manufacturers equipment for other trials Calibration error in pipette Systematic error Not quantifiable 25cm3 line incorrectly marked. Because it is unclear as to where the true meniscus lies. Causing the values measured out to be not precise. Also due to there being only one line causes a further decrease in the precision of the results. Use different manufacturers equipment for other trials to ensure that the accuracy increases. Another improvement that will be done, if the experiment were to be repeated is that due to the inaccuracy of the conical flask being swirled. If the conical flask is being swirled unevenly there is a chance of inaccurate results of when the colourless solution occurs. Therefore a stirring rod should be used to increase the accuracy of the swirls of the reaction in the conical flask. Another limitation that arouse in this experiment that would be improved if the experiment were to be done again is that after the neutralization reaction had occurred, there would still be some residue of the distilled water used to rinse out the equipment. This can be improved by increase the number of repeats of rinse. This would ensure that more of the diluted solution would have been removed. Also the trials can also increase, to 10 repeats so that there is more variance so that the accuracy increases. Another improvement might be, to use different indicator, for example methyl orange. Due to the colour change would be from red to yellow would make it easier for the pH 7 to be more easily recognized against a white tile then it was with phenolphthalein. Cited Sources: 1.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Do Opinions on Immigration Change Over Time?

Do Opinions on Immigration Change Over Time? Samantha Clarke Table of Contents (Jump to) Abstract Introduction Hypotheses Null Hypothesis Aim Method Design Participants Apparatus Procedure Results Inferential Statistics/Treatment of Results Discussion Conclusion Appendix Appendix A – Sample Questions Appendix B – Sample Results Table Appendix C – Sample Questionnaire Completed Appendix D – Raw data from both conditions Appendix E Scatter graph Appendix F – Shows Increases and Decreases by Percentage Appendix F – Descriptive Statistics References Abstract The experiment set out to prove or disprove that over a set period of time, opinion regarding immigration changes significantly. Twenty participants took part in the experiment and were asked to complete a questionnaire, repeating the same questionnaire a week later. The questionnaire used the Likert attitude scale, offering responses from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Five positive and five negative questions were asked where the score was reversed. The results proved that over time opinion does alter. Introduction What impacts our social perspective, which is how we analysis and perceive, (individuals or groups) using varies methods of analysing body language, tone of voice, facial expression, behaviour and is how we makes sense of our surroundings. This is social cognition, the human brain’s ability process information associated with other humans, ( How would an individual perceive actions of another, if they were to put them down all the time? What if then it’s established they are a couple. Perceptions are distorted or have a bias if there is a link, favouritism. This is called in-group bias. Trait concept is the social perception of how other traits can impact behaviour. If our surroundings or environment encourage and influence us to be of a certain social behaviour i.e. angry or helpful, then our tendency as humans is to mirror this expected behaviour. Attitudes can change by the need for humans to comply. Compliance is when behaviour changes to or appears to change based on the situation the individual is in, be it a group conversation or debate, the need or peer pressure to comply with others or to influence the outcome. Where compliance has been reverted to, it doesn’t mean that the individual has genuinely changes their opinion on the subject or changed their belief, but have complied with the environment they are in. This is evidenced in the Asch experiment. Attitudes can be influenced by targeting the individual’s emotion. An individual’s attitudes could have been influence in the last decade due to the 911 terrorist attacks, all the political campaigning and TV programmes about Eastern Europe. This can scare humans especially if they feel their own lives are threatened, as the news reports have suggested. The role which individuals play can impact attitude. We have seen with the Milgram experiment that someone seen to be in a position of authority can influence individuals and caused them to give a seemingly lethal electrical shock to another human being. The participants may be influence by what they believe is socially acceptable. Their opinion might be that they think immigration is bad for sociality, but because they believe this is not socially acceptable they might answer the questions differently and wish to be seen to be unprejudiced. The topic of immigration one that falls into the category of being heavily affected by social desirability, (McLeod; S( 2009) in, Perceptions, attitudes and stereotypes can developed from the individuals parents or guardians as these are the individuals who nature them in the early stages. If you have encountered an issue with a Eastern European person, it might be that you stereotype all Eastern European to be the same. For example, all Eastern Europeans are terrorists. Once the stereotype is believed by that individual, any further encounters with Eastern Europeans and them disconfirming the stereotype, the individual will categorise them as not being the typical Eastern Europe person. Perceptions are expectations the individual might have. For example, the expectation that an Eastern European person will conduct themselves in a certain way. This decision is made by recalling the stereotype and disregarding the Eastern European which didn’t fall into this category. This thought process take seconds and can be used to quickly identify how to behave, respond and predict what will happen next. Prejudice could be reduced if the group of individuals are on equal statuses, authority and interact on different social levels. Hypotheses Opinion towards immigration alters significantly when asked the same questions twice over a set time period of time. There will be significant different in the correlation between participants’ attitude in score 1 and 2. Null Hypothesis Opinion towards the topic of immigrations does not alter when the individual is asked the same questions twice over a set time period. Therefore no significant correlation between participants’ total attitude score 1 and total attitude score 2. Aim To evaluate how time influences opinion on the prejudicial topic of immigration. Method Design The chosen design method is observational method; this allows the study of the participant’s behaviour using a varied level of control. Repeated measures will be used, so the same participants take part in both conditions of the experiment. This reduces the number of participants as they same are used for both conditions, it is more convenient also and cost effective. Repeated measure designs disadvantage though is the participants know what they will be asked the second time round. Therefore their attitude might change to influence the results, consciously or unconsciously. They may be very driven the first time they answer the questions, then have lost interest the second time. Therefore their opinions might change towards the questions asked and might not be as strongly opinionated in the second round of questions. Time sampling will be the main independent variable in this study. Observing participant’s attitude towards immigration at two different points in time. Time sampling is where for a set period behaviour is observed, in this case the duration of the experiment time slots for the questionnaire. WE aren’t using event sampling in this instance as this is observing all the time, and noting when behaviour changes. The independent variable is what the experimenter has control over, in this instance it is time, which will provide the results or dependant variable and the questions being asked. The questions asked as the same in both conditions, are the same for all participants and comply with the Likert attitude scale to have five negative and five positive questions. Other variables in this experiment will not be controlled. For example, the exposure to information relating to the subject of immigration i.e. TV, news, discussions they might have after the experiment with others and therefore be influenced by other participants answers. The experiment must have considered the code of conduct outlined by the British Psychological Society. Ethical considerations to not cause offence with the questions asked, gain consent once the full experiment has been explained, outline the purpose and procedure. Participants will be offered a copy of the results and an option to be personally debriefed. If the participants start to converse with the experiment regarding their opinion on the subject of immigration, the experimenter must not personalise this in anyway, nor discuss their own opinion on the subject as this may influence the participants. Steps which will be taken: Discuss with the participants the purpose of the experiment, process, expected outcome and what will be done with the results. Explain that the condition will be repeated with a period of a week between tests. Explain that the participants have a choice not to participant. They can leave at any point and stop the experiment and can ask questions. Ethical considerations taken when planning the experiment. Gain written consent. Agree a date and time for both conditions. Conduct condition 1. Repeat a week later with condition 2. Gather and analysis results. Present results back to the participant if they wish to do so. Participants Participants are list below, recording their age, gender and nationality. The names, address and contact details are no recorded for confidentially. Apparatus The Likert scale will be used. Ten questions relating directly to the hypothesis above will be presented to each participant. Five positive and five negative questions. Each question with have a scale of five responses, ranges from strongly agrees right through to strongly disagree. The overall score, for the five positive questions the scoring system will provide a higher score the more the participant agrees. It is the reverse for the negative questions. The questionnaire will be completed by each participant one week, and then repeated the following week. The date and time will be agreed, and the set rest period between the conditions will be fixed. The overall scores from each will be compared to measure and provedisprove the hypothesis. Procedure The twenty participants will each completed the questionnaire and then repeat the same questionnaire the following week. Repeated measures will be used, so the same participants take part in both conditions of the experiment. Each participant will have the same information regarding the experiment, understanding of the purpose, the fact that they will be required to complete the questionnaire twice over a two week period, what the results will be used for and consent sourced before processing. They will be informed that they can stop the experiment at any given time. This will ensure the code of ethics is met and it is a fair and equal experiment. Each participant will be time boxed to complete the questionnaire within 30 minutes. Each participant will be given the same questionnaire shown in Appendix A – Sample Questions. Each participant will be thanked for their time and if they so wish can have a copy of the results. The results will be gathered over the two week period and recorded in a raw data table as shown in Appendix B – Sample Results Table. This data can be used to provedisprove the hypothesis. Results The results as explained below prove the hypothesis is correct. See Appendix D – Raw data from both conditions. This outlines each participants score for condition 1 and condition 2. All calcualtions shown in Appendix F – Descriptive Statistics highlight that condition 2 has higher scores or outputs that condition 1. The results are displayed in a scatter graph in Appendix E Scatter graph. This is a graphical view showing that the second condition in most cases gave a higher score. Data for the above pie chart can be found Appendix F – Shows Increases and Decreases by Percentage. Inferential Statistics/Treatment of Results In this experiment, parametric statistics are used. This is because parametric statistics facilitate the study of an interval scale rating like the Likert questionnaire. It allows the point scale to be used in this questionnaire, from strongly agreeing to strongly disagreeing to be scored and the results interrupted to give a mean or standard deviation as an example. Using a variety of information to correlate the results provides more accurate and more powerful display of the results. Discussion Opinion towards immigration alters significantly when asked the same questions twice over a set time period of time. There will be significant different in the correlation between participants’ attitude in score 1 and 2. The results shown in Results conclude that if asked the same set of questions twice leaving a week in-between, that opinion towards immigration changes. Therefore proving the hypothesis correct and the null hypothesis incorrect. 75% of scores changed over the two conditions either negatively or positively but change nun the less.  ¼ of the scores did not change. The results shown are a reflection of the general population that opinion changes over time. The fact that the high percentage means the participants opinions scored higher would mean the chosen approach to repeat the questionnaire using the same participants didn’t cause them to become bored or uninterested, but the opposite was in fact expressed in the results. This however may be the result of the participants wanting to influence the results and therefore provide evidence towards the hypothesis. The experiment could have more smoothly if there was an easier way to calculate the results. Reviewing and scoring each participant twice was very inefficient. If this experiment were to be done on a larger scale, this would need to be considered as an area to be improved. The participants varied in nationality, were a sample of the population. The experiment could have explored this area more. Nationality might have a big impact on the results. Were individuals are born or where they parents and grandparents originate from could have a big impact on their opinion to immigration. Further control over the variables, i.e. what they read, watched and discussed throughout the week could have been controlled to genuinely see if it was just time as the independent variable impacts the dependent variable. An idea to improve the experiment further is to increase the independent variable of one week between the conditions being repeated to several years. Opinion relating to the topic of immigration could change from 20 year old to 40 year old. Conclusion The experiment set out to confirm that individual’s opinion of immigration changes over time. This experiment had only a week between the two conditions and the results show that opinion (increase or decrease) significantly changes over time. With the increased score being the more dominant figure. Appendix Appendix A – Sample Questions Appendix B – Sample Results Table Appendix C – Sample Questionnaire Completed 5 immigration has negatively impacted the UK Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree somewhat European cuisines: UK and Spain European cuisines: UK and Spain Introduction This assignment will focus on the cuisine of Europe and more specifically on the cuisine of Spain and the cuisine of the British Isles The report will critically evaluate European cuisines using sufficient reliable sources together with evidence in the form of dishes recipes. I have produced in the college kitchen and in different kitchen I worked while on my kitchen industrial training. In addition to these dishes and my practical performance will be assessed and evaluated critically. An appropriate explanation and justification will be applied to each dish to explain to the reader in great deal the reasoning for the use of specific commodities methods and equipments used while preparing and cooking them. Cuisine It can be termed as a specific set of cooking tradition techniques, which are practice often associated with a specific culture. It can be termed after a region or a place where it is practiced over and over again and where its underlining culture is still present. The ingredients that are locally available or a mix of through trade primarily influences a cuisine. European cuisine The European cuisine as a whole is a mix of vivid, completed, compelling; challenging gives a lot of space for experimenting and playing with the different ingredients available all over the European continent. It provides a lot of scope of learning about a wide variety of countries, physical geography, religious and cultural practices, locally available ingredients, climate, demographic, political, economic, and geological influences. Before explaining about the European cuisine we have to know about the Europe and its characteristics that are very diverse. Europe on the whole is very much divided on the basis of its Diverse physical geography, Climatic changes ,Geology of the continent ,Varied bio- diversity And most important is the mix of its Demographic variances, political stability, economic conditions, industrial growth, the cold war era (1945-1990), rise of the E.U. (European union) 1991-07, current economic recession (2008-09). The above stated plays an important role in the common European persons life. All these are based on the late 18th, 19th, 20th century changes that took place in Europe due to the modern invention, wars, and immigration of people for better life. Source: ( All the above mentioned some where or the other influenced the eating habit of the persons thus improving and spreading and making the food cooking techniques and practices unique and others recognized them as a specific cuisine. Europe Division is based on the diversity of cuisine Eastern European cuisine Scandinavian cuisine Russian cuisine German cuisine Cuisine of British Isles Iberian cuisine (known as Spanish+ Portuguese cuisine) Greek cuisine Italian cuisine French cuisine Spain Spain is the third largest nation and occupies most of the Iberian Peninsula at the southwestern edge of the European continent. The basis of the history of Spanish food is very much influenced by its geographical situation. First of all Spain is located on the Iberian Peninsula and almost entirely surrounded by the waters. Due to its location seafood forms on of the main ingredients of the Spanish gastronomy and categories the country as having a Mediterranean diet. Apart from covered by the sea the rest of Spain is a diverse terrain made up of mountain ranges, lush pasture, fertile farm grounds and an extensive coastline, which contributes as a main source of providing quite a variety of fresh products. Regional and cultural division throughout the history of Spanish cuisine. There is a very interesting history of Spain as various people, including the Phoenician, the Romans and the moors, have invaded Spain over the centuries, Jews later integrated the elements of their own cooking into that of Spain. As there is a vast and complex ingredient available throughout Spain for cooking and as different methods are used to cook them there is one similarity in all the regional cuisine that is garlic and olive oil. The culinary regions of Spain The north of Spain This region is mainly considered for its specialties of sauces and seafood, such as regions of Galicia and Asturias. The eastern region The most famous delicacy known as paella valenciana comes from this region in this region the primary dishes are rice based The central Spain This includes the region of Castilla-Leà ³n. This region is famous for its roast meats and cocidos or stews. The Pyrenees This region is home of the chilindrones, sautà ©ed peppers, garlic, tomatoes and onion are the ingredients that accompanies primarily in all the regional dishes Cataluà ±a region This regional cuisine reflects a wide characteristic of land and people casserole or cazuelas makes the region famous and last but not the least cooking in the clay pots that gives the dishes a distinctive aroma. Andalusia It is the sub region classified, as the staple diet is fish and tapas is the other specialty no bar serve a drink without a tapas to munch on. Andalusia is one of the worlds major producers of olive oil. It has a long coastline full of seafood and a hot Mediterranean weather to compliment. The climatic and geographical characteristics have given the regional cuisine its primary features, the refreshing gazpachos, the fried fish, and the style of cookery generally easy to prepare and accompanied by richly flavored wines. Source:(Solomon H. Katz, encyclopedia of food and culture, New York: gale group ltd.) The Legacy Of The Moors The Moors were renowned for combining meat and fish with fruit and this practice is still common in parts of Andalusia today. The hot climate of the region is ideal for growing a large variety of fruit and vegetables. Spanish regional foodhas many local variations and Andalusia cuisine has a wide variety ofdishes, which have originated in specific areas. Being the last bastion of the Moors, Andalusia food has a strong Moorish influence, kebabs are very popular and the mixture of meat and fruit. The Mediterranean coast offers an abundance of seafood and there are lots of seafood restaurants up and down the Costa del Sol. Parillada is a mix of grilled seafood with garlic, parsley and a few wedges of lemon. Fritura is an assortment of small fish, which have been coated in flour and fried in olive oil with garlic and parsley. Source: ( Essential ingredients that make Spanish cuisine different from others are olive oil, garlic, fresh tomatoes, and variety of paprika powder as well as saffron. Rest of the ingredients differ from kitchen to kitchen operations and preparation of meats and availability of fish and seafood. Source:(Pepita, A (2004) Spanish food and cooking) Baking in salt is a popular method of cooking fish in Andalucia. The fish is encased in a salt mixture, which sets hard during baking. Special saltpans are available for this type of cooking. The salt case is broken away before serving. Far from being salty, the fish becomes moist and tender. Paella is the national dish and is traditionally eaten on Sunday lunchtime when all the family troop down to their local restaurant and spend most of the afternoon eating and drinking. Paella varies from region to region. Paella originated in Valencia and Valencian paella is still regarded as the authentic version. An unusual and tasty seafood dish from Andalucia is a combination of clams with white beans or Alubias blancas con almejas. Andalucian Ham Dried ham is one of Spains most famous specialty foods and can be found on the shelves of most supermarkets. A few areas are noted for the excellence of their hams, especially Extremadura and some of the mountainous regions of northern Spain. Another area producing the most sought after air-cured hams are the villages dotted around the slopes of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The climate in this area is supposed to be the best for giving the ham unique flavours. The pigs special diet in the pasture and a unique curing process contribute to the fine flavours of these hams, which are classified as Serrano (plain cured) and bellota (acorn ham). The ham is dried in specially constructed sheds, which are a common site in the village. The hams are cured for a minimum of twelve months. Source: ( Equipments and commodities used in set up of any Spanish kitchen Commodities Spanish cuisine Vegetables, wild food Variety of olives, tomatoes, fresh peppers, dried chilies, potato and squashes, beans, aubergine, garlic, wild variety of mushroom, dried beans, lentils, cabbage, turnips, cardoons, capers, dandelion, garbanzo, leafy green spinach, asparagus, honey. Herbs and flavourings Saffron, cumin, coriander seeds, black pepper, salt, paprika, bay leaves, fennel, lemon verbena, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, sherry vinegar, aniseed Fruits Apricot, dates, plums, dark picot cherries, golden grapes, red fleshed figs, pomegranate, orange, variety of melons, strawberries, passion fruit, banana, pineapple. Fish, shellfish and Preserved fish Hake, cod (bacalao), Gallo, sea bass, turbot, monkfish, gilthead bream, swordfish, sea trout, salmon trout, carp, tench. Scallops, mussels, clams, cockles, prawns, shrimps, lobsters, crabs, squid, cuttlefish, octopus, crayfish. Preserved fish: blue fin tuna, sardines, anchovies, and variety of fish caviars (black herring roe, grey mullet Meat, poultry and game Pork, suckling pig, beef and veal, the fighting bull, lamb, Capons, guinea fowl, goose, duck, turkey, hare, rabbit, venison, quail, pigeon, woodcock, pheasant. Preserved meat Sausages(black, red, white), morcillas, chorizo, white botifarras (Blancas), embutidos. Lomo embuchado(cinta), jamon Serrano,cecina. Dairy products Milk, butter, Variety of cheese about 200. Cabrales, menorcan mahon, san milon, idiazabal, manchega. Bread and cakes Traditional breads-hogaza,pan de cebada. Cocas- hot from bread oven like pizza. Variety of cakes and buns- magdalenas(butter cakes), sobos pasiegas. Being so diverse with a wide range of ingredients available to prepare and cook a Spanish cooking does not need anything special, it requires a basic, well-equipped kitchen. Bottle opener- for wines and bottled vinegars Source:( Tough bottle openers are used in the entire kitchen all over the world but it is necessity to have one because it comes very handy when using bottles of wine, vinegars and oil in Spanish cooking as it is needed so often. Ceramic or clay pot – Widely used for oven baked casserole dishes and for cocidos. It is used in different regions of Spain as they cook casserole dishes every single day. Ceramic or clay pots take time to cook the food as well as maintain its nutritional value and gives a distinctive flavours to the food. Espresso pot- for coffee After every meal Spanish people prefer to have a cup of coffee as it is widely used in every household as well as in any Spanish restaurant. Source:( Garlic press- one designed to press cloves without having to peel them. Garlic is the main ingredient in the Spanish cuisine and cleaning a garlic pod is very tiring job when it has to be done in bulk. It is always good to have a garlic press in the kitchen. Source:( Mortar and pestle-it is commonly used to grind herbs and spices and making fresh dipping for the various tapas dishes.It is also used to grind saffron and salt together to get a distinctive flavour in paella dishes. Source:( Heavy Mason jar- It is used for storing leftover oil. Spanish cooking use the frying method either for fish or making garlic prawns. After preparation of every meal there is a leftover of oil that is always stored in the Heavy Mason jar for its reuse Source:( Paella pan- for cooking paella Paella is best prepared over an open fire,gas operated or charcoal BBQ. Use a round kettle-style BBQ the reason for this is so that the heat is evenly distributed and because the heat should gradually decrease as you are cooking it. First, the fire must be very hot to brown the meat, and then it should be lower to simmer the rice Source: ( Source:( Pressure cooker- It is interesting as now days to speed up cooking example- stews a lot of Spanish restaurants are using pressure cookers. Source:( Roasting trays- for oven roasting Commonly used for cooking large joint of meats or simple fish and poultry. Ramekins-a large number of small baking equipments are used in order to make desserts ramekins are specially used in preparing flans. Source:( Salt-pans – for cooking fish The fish is encased in a salt mixture, which sets hard during baking. Special saltpans are available for this type of cooking. The salt case is broken away before serving. Far from being salty, the fish becomes moist and tender. Source: ( Source:( British cuisine The cuisine of Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales combined together provide the basis for a cooing style that is known as British cuisine although this cuisine is widely influenced and diversified by the history of its colonization. Significant sub regions: Scotland England Ireland Wales Britain on a whole is blessed with a distinctive temperature, climatic conditions, fertile land a range of geographical diversity and a long coastline. Many streams of fresh water and river provide a variety of fresh ingredients to consume. British Cuisine is prà ©cised tradition of food followed from their ages and which are ultimately associated with the United Kingdom. British cuisine consists of dishes made from the ingredients and food products locally produced. British food is widely influenced by the people settled in Britain. As now Britain calls out â€Å"Chicken Tikka Masala† as their national dish. Source:(, Scottish cuisine: It has its own characteristic hat makes it different from rest of the cuisine and is immensely appreciated by people all over the world. A traditional Scottish cuisine features of an extensive use of freshly grown or produced ingredients in other terms locally available or local produce. The local produce includes oats, salted meats; oatcakes smoked fish are the standard items that are used in Scottish style of cooking. Someone talks about Scottish cuisine one should remember that on any good or bad occasion one cannot forget about the whisky as the Scottish whisky is worlds famous and they are the largest producers of finest spirits Haggis is considered to be the delicacy of the Scott Sheep offals is the chief ingredient in the preparation of Haggis. The Scottish nation food product is haggis was originated by carrying the low quality meat in pigs or sheeps stomach. The Norse invaders who would preserve their food during for the long journey from Scandinavian introduced this. Source: (Lawrence, S.(2002) Sue Lawrences SCOTTISH KITCHEN, London: headline.) Influence on Scotland: There was French influence over the Scottish cuisine in late middle ages and early modern era this was because of the cultural exchange brought Mary, Queen of Scots when she returned to Scotland brought in back French chefs who brought in change in the Scottish unique food and also resulted for the change in terminology. Scottish traditional delicacies are Scotch broth, Colcannon, Scotch Pie, and Porridge. Apart from these dishes Kale, cabbage and many more root vegetables are widely used; Shellfish is very popular, Scottish salmon and world famous Scottish Angus beef. Special food for special occasion in Scotland Traditionally there are special food that are prepared and served in Scotland during the festivals they were specially prepared; they often had ingredients with a certain significance (such as flour from the last sheaf) or were made with certain ingredients that were expensive, difficult to obtain round the year, or not eaten at other times of the year. Source:(Solomon H. Katz, encyclopedia of food and culture, New York: gale group ltd.) Scottish area and their specialty of food and dishes. Area of Scotland Food and dishes Edinburgh and the Lothians Midlothian oatcakes Edinburgh rock (sugary confection) Angus and fife, Forfar Bridies (pastry filled with steak),Dundee marmalade, Dundee cake, arbroath smokies, pitcaithly bannock Glasgow, Clydeside. Ayrshire Borders Glasgow broth Cheese and ayrshire shortbread Selkirk bannock, Eye mouth fish pie Dumfries and Galloway North-east Galloway beef Butteries, finnan haddock, Aberdeen angus steak, skirlie Highlands and inner Hebrides Fried herring, game soup, tatties and crowdie (potatoes and soft cheese), highland oatcakes, atholl brose (whisky mixed with oatmeal). The outer Hebrides Whelk soup, barley bannocks, kale soup Orkney and sheftland Oatmeal soup, fried herring and onions, potatoes with milk, beremeal bannocks Method of cooking- Smoking: For fishes like Salmon, Haddock, Trout Boiling: vegetables Baking: Pies The specialty about the cuisine is that it consists of a full breakfast includes of eggs. Bacon, black pudding, porridge, fat sausage, Ayrshire bacon Lunch and evening meal consists of soup. Meat and at least to vegetables followed by a dessert. English/(Britain): English cuisine as a hole has a wider influence as their history goes. Their cuisine is influenced by the ever-changing settlements from different regions of Europe to this place. The so-called Celts, Romans, Danish and Norwegian Vikings, The arrival of Norman that provides French influence in the cuisine. By the late 16th Century till 18th century England explore and invade colonies that widely developed this cuisine as a whole. All together this factor primarily bought further new dimensions to the cuisine and has become an intrusive part of English cuisine. The English eating habit mainly includes breakfast, fried bacon, eggs, black pudding, sausages, baked beans, grilled kidney, kedgeree; bread followed by lunch and afternoon tea or so called high tea. Consists of cakes, savory, biscuits, scones, variety of sandwiches and tea follow by the main meal in the evening. The interesting thing about the British cuisine as a hole is that it has a large scope of experimentation as people here are very much keen to experiment on trying different food and adopt different food styles which includes Asian, Italian and they can be converted to the British palate. Thus there is no hard and fast rule whatsoever. Currently Britain is giving more importance towards the production of organic foods as people have become health conscious and have restricted their diet. The organic food are therefore easily made available in shopping malls, food courts, some restaurants are serving only organic food products. Also United Kingdom is been recorded for most advance ways of animal farming and welfare. Source:( The British cuisine traditionally in the modern era consists of the traditional Sunday roast that consists of meat; choice of fish or pork, chicken served with gravy Yorkshire pudding, potato mash or roast potato and minimum of to vegetables. The chips shop or the take always are also very popular making fish and chips their renowned specialty. The other important thing, which cant be missed in British cuisine, is the Anglo- Indian version of the Indian dishes. The Famous Food Culture of Britain: Traditional English breakfast Traditional Lunches English Traditional Favourite for Super or High Tea Traditional Fish and Chips: and Snacks Traditional Afternoon Tea Traditional Sunday Roast Source:( Irish cuisine Geographically Ireland has very diverse climatic conditions in the Europe and thus shows the impact on its cuisine significantly. The Irish cuisine is very well known for its good wholesome food made up from locally grown/reared produce. Potato feature prominently in todays diet and old time delicacies like Irish stews and Dublin caddle. Northern Ireland is also renowned for apples. There are common crops grown all over Ireland, as the climate conditions are same all over Ireland. Irish is also famous for cheese farming as they have one secret ingredient for the exceptional quality of the milk. Traditional Irish cooking the most commonly used equipment was three legged iron pot, Griddle for cooking oat cakes, Iron pan for frying of pan cakes and bacon rashes also eggs and fish. They also made use of potherbs for boiling potatoes, meats and fish. Source: (Lennon, W.B (ETA), (2004) The Irish heritage cookbook, London) Irish people eat meat as well as they are fish and shellfish lovers. Fishes like Atlantic salmon, sea trout, mackerel, haddock, sea bass, monk fish, Dublin bay prawns, scampi, scallops and mussels, Irish Galway of oysters. Also were smoked and cured foods like smoked mackerel, salmon, eel and kippers. A full Irish breakfast consists of eggs, sausages, white pudding, black pudding, fresh fruits, toast and scones with butter or preserves. Lunch and evening meals consists of meat, vegetables and potato. The Irish are famous for their soda bread and Irish spirit and Guinness. Irish use spirits as well in their cuisine in order to produce good flavor and distinctive taste and aroma. Irish food is a complex as the many cultural, political and economic forces that have shaped Irelands existence Welsh cuisine Geographically welsh has a diverse terrain together with rivers and coastline abundance of seafood, welsh people always yield a bountiful of fresh foods in particular the wild animals and the variety of seafood. The cooking methods use in this cuisine is very interesting as these were used back in history. The tradition of the Wales was to survive into the 20thcentury in the rural parts. The- welsh cuisine traditionally was to satisfy the appetite of the hard working farmers, coal miners, quarry workers and fishermen. In 21st century Wales later gained international recognition for its fresh beef, lamb, fish and seafood. Cooking on the open hearth: this is carried from prehistoric times where the food is cooked on open fire in iron pots. Then there were griddles and bake stone introduced in 18th and 19th century and later came in the Dutch ovens. Wales is known for its extensive use of baked stones and griddles Wales has also ample amount of shellfish supply cockles, crabs, limpets, lobster, mussels, prawns, razor fish, scallops and winkles. Oysters were found first in plenty on the Grower Peninsular but now the supplies are spare and they have become expensive too. The seaweed-dried laver is used up to make the Welsh delicacy laver bread. Also known as ‘Welshmans Caviar this is seaweed boiled to make soft dark green mass seaweed is used in breakfast with oatmeal, and cooked in fat as little cakes. Source: (Yates, A(2007). Englands heritage food and cooking, London: anness publishing ltd.) Bake stone: it got its name as a stone was suppressed with metal and iron bake stone are still in use in many welsh kitchens. Stewing and boiling: A lot of welsh dishes are made up of stews meat, this cooking style gives rise to the recipe â€Å"cawl† it is also considered as welsh national dish. The cuisine of Wales always reflects the need of the substantial and filling food. Eating habit here is commonly three meals a day are traditional breakfast consist of bacon, pork sausage, eggs, fried laver bread or oats. Lunch and evening meals traditionally consist of meat or fish with the side vegetable followed by desserts. The British kitchen There is a range of ingredients produced in Britain is varied- from its lush green fields, orchards and hedgerows to its hillsides and lowland pastures; the seasonal and regional qualities of these ingredients to boost British growing economy and reputation for good food, and their diversity and it encourages the chefs to prepare delicious dishes, both traditional and modern. Equipments and commodities used in set up of any British kitchen Commodities BRITISH CUISINE Vegetables, herbs, wild food Carrots, parsnip, turnips, potato, swede, onions, leeks horseradish, Jerusalem artichoke, beetroot, celery, cauliflower, Brussels sprout, spinach, peas and beans, chard, watercress, tomato, lavender, chives, mint, parsley, elderflower, dill, sage, tarragon, chamomile, nettles, wild garlic, dandelions, wild fungi, chestnuts, honey, elderberries, kale, rose hips, hazelnuts. Fruits Apples, variety of berries, rhubarb, quince, meddler, variety of plums, pears Meat, poultry and game Variety of sausages,( Cumberland, black pudding, haggis). Pork, bacon, ham. Mutton, lamb, Beef. Goose, duck, turkey, pheasant, venison, pigeons, partridge, rabbit, hare. Fish, sea food and smoked fish Mackerel, herring, cod, haddock, salmon, white bait, turbot, hake, Pollack, pilchard. English mussels, oysters, crayfish, and brown shrimps. Smoked haddock, smoked salmon, smoked herrings. Smoked kippers. Milk is plentiful in all the regions, a variety of cheese (Cheshire, Lancashire, cheddar, double Gloucester, derby, Windsor red, Cornish- yarg, sage derby, stilton, dove dale, oxford blue) Methods of Cooking in Great Britain: Poaching Poaching of salmon is the traditional dish. This method uses water; milk, stock or wine is the cooking medium the food product is gently simmered in the liquid. This method of cooking dose not includes any fat. Roasting Traditional Sunday roast. Cooking pork belly, leg of lamb, black pudding stuffed turkey. Frying Mostly in Great Britain fish and chips are coked using this method this method also give a crispy and crunch crust to the product. Stewing The use of Lancashire hot pot is all over Great Britain. This pot consists of lamb or mutton, onions and potatoes it dose not matters if the trimmings are used of the above food products this all is left to bake in the oven in the heavy pot at a very low heat. This was originated in Lancashire in the north west of England. Grilling, Char Grilling, Barbeque/Grill Roasting, Grill Braising, Pan Grilling and Salamander Grill Very commonly used in all the modern as well as traditional rest. all over Britain for cooking different cuts of meats and vegetables. Braising This method is also referred as pot-roasting. Some of the food products cooked in this style are Braised ox cheek, braised pork spare ribs with preserved mustard greens and braised baby artichokes Baking Preparation of breads, cakes, pastries and pies, tarts, quiches and cookies. These all products are classified into bakery products. This cooking method is also used for baking potatoes, baked apples, baked beans Methods of Preservation prevail and practiced commonly in British Isles. Food while in seasons and stocking them for further use. Drying: The food may be sun dried or air dried smoking or wind drying. Mainly fishes like cod, kipplers are sundried Salting of foods Dry method of food preservation by addition of dry salt. . Examples are dried and salted cod salt cured meat. Smoking Food is cooked, flavored and preserved by smoking the food by burning some plants and woods. Smoking is done for many food products cheese, fish, meats and vegetables. The food is smoked in smoke rooms keepers, salmon and many other fishes are smoked Pickling Using preservative agent in this can be salt-water vinegar. Pickeled beetroot, salsify, fennel, preserved lemon are very common to the British cuisine Sugaring Making jams and marmalade, gooseberry, elderflower, apple, plums etc are preserved and used throughout the year Vacuum Packing This is very popular method, which is practiced in modern British pubs, and restaurants. Practicing methods of sous-vide For better quality of food, texture, taste. Source:(, Cuisine of British isles not only used the known methods of cooking that is baking, poaching, roasting or grilling they preserve a lot of food that is available in a specific season by using a various methods of preservation so that they can enjoy them later when it is not in season. Traditional Equipments used in British cuisine are: Traditional Ceramic; stoneware source:( A traditional kiln for Smoked fish Source:( Casserole Pans A casserole dish usually a deep, round, container with handles and a tight-fitting lid can be glass, metal, ceramic or any other heatproof material. Use in making stews casseroles ingredients can include meat, vegetables, beans, rice and anything else the cook desires. Often a topping such as cheese or breadcrumbs is added for texture and flavor. Source:( Moulds for baking pies and tart This is and traditional utensils used for making beef pies this dish may be oval or

Friday, October 25, 2019

Green Roof Essays -- Environment, Plants, Structural Design

Green roofs, also known as living roofs, eco roofs, roof terraces or roof gardens, are a roof design of a building that is partly or entirely enclosed with vegetation and growing medium, therefore, the roof is planted over a waterproofing membrane and it has extra layers, for instance roof fence and drainage. He and Jim, (2010) states that green roof require the making of vegetated space on the top of artificial structures design. They can help to reduce the thermal properties of buildings to produce cooling energy conservation and increase social comforts. There are two main types of Green Roof-Intensive and Extensive. Castleton and Davison, (2010) explains that intensive green roofs have a shallow substrate layer that tolerate deeper rooting plants, so that the trees and shrubs can remain alive. They are usually accessible and need regular maintenance such as extensive irrigation and fertilising. This type of roofs is generally thicker and can support a wider selection of plants and generally they are heavier systems, but therefore it has the highest demand on building structures. Fioretti and Palla, (2010) suggest that Intensive roofs are considered to be expensive to maintain and to build. Nagase and Dunnett, (2010) debates that extensive roofs are not appropriate for plant growth, therefore it has inadequate water accessibility, extensive temperature variations, great exposure to wind and solar radiation that generates highly strained, and occasionally troubled environment. Due that reason, insignificant variety of plant types is generally used for extensive roofs. Sedum types are the most frequently used plant, Dunnett and Kingsbury, (2008) suggest that they are greatly adapted to dry environments. Extensive Green Roofs... ...was the hefty rainfall that happened in the earlier fortnight leaving the ground soaked without much of capacity to absorb additional rainfall. Biodiversity An important feature of green roofs is their potential to provide habitation for urban wildlife, therefore many animal species such as rats and ants would benefit from green roofs. Coffman and Waites, (2008) explains that the urban development practices recognised as roof greening offers habitat for wild species within the towns and it also helps rise the home-grown natural diversity. However, roof greening is not a method restoration ecology, but it is method of reconciliation ecology, where entirely new habitation is formed for non-human species. In addition Green roofs certainly delivers some form of habitat, it is also possible that the properties of the roof could harm the wildlife diversity.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Define Evidence Based Practice Health And Social Care Essay

Evidence based pattern is a cant that appeared in healthcare scenes in last decennary. Pressure from authorities bureaus on health care suppliers to present first-class clinical pattern additions importance in execution of grounds based pattern. In order to prolong effectual result in rehabilitation, is indispensable for clinician to attest evidence-based pattern into clinical made determination. The purpose of essay is to specify grounds based pattern ( EBP ) and execution of paradigm, EBP into occupational therapy procedure in Peter ‘s instance. In order to understand Peter ‘s instance paper draws information about his status, multiple induration ( MS ) . Essay will research evidence-based pattern through scope of researches in occupational therapy ( OT ) intercession, placing possible benefits for Peter ‘s wellbeing. Evidence-based pattern is one of most problematic procedure of last few decennaries. EBP developed and arouse from evidence-based medical specialty defined by Professor David Sackett and other bookmans, as an effort to happen best grounds to help healthcare professionals with doing best determinations for patients ( Bailey et al, 2007 ) . EBP is procedure where gathered best available grounds and clinical expertness assists clinical decision-making. Decision procedure is apprehensible for client, justifiable to other health care professionals, where gathered grounds ( through research procedure ) allows clinician to measure current pattern. Collaboration between patient satisfaction, clinical judgement, and up to day of the month information boom EBP to go powerful toll to underpin clinical intercession ( Taylor, 2000 ) . Definition of EBP is based on best grounds, clinical expertness, patient values, and fortunes where clinician takes under consideration all those elements in patter n scenes. Clinician is expected in EBP procedure to use unfavorable judgment, educational accomplishments and to recognize system of values meaningful for client ( Hoffman et al, 2009 ) . When using grounds into intercession clinician is proved to utilize accomplishments upon which he or she could judge and recognize best grounds for pattern. Hierarchy of grounds to recognize best grounds to underpin intercession ushers clinician ( Taylor, 2000 ) . Author as the strongest and most valid elevates systematic reappraisals and meta-analyses from all, through which clinician has entree to print and unpublished grounds. Taylor ( 2000 ) recognises ‘gold criterion ‘ grounds in randomize control tests ( RTC ) ; they are to be considered by healthcare professionals as effectual in intercession. Limited credibleness is given to non-experimental surveies, non-randomized tests, sentiments or experts treatment where degree of cogency is low. EBP takes signifier of several stairss to turn to information to relevant intercession: inquiring the inquiry, seeking for grounds, critically measuring grounds, collaborate grounds with clinical expertness and client personal values and eventually measure. The signifier of inquiry could find information about certain patient. Clinical inquiry includes several constituents: P – patient and/or job, I – intercession, C – comparative intercession ( optional, include if relevant ) , O – result ( PICO ) . For illustration, in Peter ‘s instance clinician through formulated clinical inquiry determines valid information about him: P -middle age male with multiple induration, I – occupational therapy, C- physical therapy, vocational therapy and O- benefit in patient good being ( Hoffmann et al, 2009 ) . Evidence research for PICO is a following measure for clinician. Valid information gathered through stairss of EBP procedure needs dependable beginning , where stuffs and mentions are found. Key facet of EBP is for clinician to hold entree to books, diaries, conferences, RCT, systematic reappraisals, and databases. Clinician is aided by presents engineering in journey to happen best grounds ; allied tool is internet where most of databases are placed. AMED, BNI, EMBASE, HMIC, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, HEALTH BUSINESS ELITE, The Cochrane Database, and OTseeker are databases that aid and usher grounds based healer to develop sufficient and expressed grounds in clinical intercession ( Hoffmann et al, 2009 ) . Best grounds is determined by evidence-based clinician on cogency of grounds through hierarchy of research ( Lin et al, 2010 ) . Critical assessment of grounds clinician bases on RCT, where RCT could be best pick to underpin intervention options. EBP procedure is tailored to patient ‘s demands and beliefs, so client could experience sceptered and included in rehabilitation procedure. For illustration, in Peter ‘s instance client-centred occupational healer would concentrate on Peter ‘s precedences, which are employment and his cognition about MS. Although clinician in rehabilitation procedure manifests EBP, execution of EBP could be a challenge for both parties ( Lin et al, 2010 ) . Procedure can be clip devouring due to big sum of researches available. High demand to understand researches for both parties is seen as an obstruction. Therapist could hold limited cognition to carry on peculiar research or deficiency of understanding patient ‘s ends. However grou nds based healer could seek aid from current employer in ongoing preparation, communicate arouse issues with other wellness professionals and client or collaborate to carry on little group grounds based undertaking ( Lin et al, 2010 ) . Peter diagnosing is relapsing- remitting signifier of multiple induration. Harmonizing to National Institute for Clinical Excellence ( NICE, 2004 ) multiple induration is chronic, progressive disease of the cardinal nervous system, which affects immature and middle-aged grownups. MS causes harm to medulla, which is fatty substance surrounds the encephalon and spinal cord. Scare tissues within the encephalon or spinal cord replace medulla. Damage leads to disruption in ability of nervousnesss to carry on electrical urges. Persons affected by MS experience functional loss, including failing, weariness, spasticity and damages of knowledge, vision, address, get downing, intestine, and vesica map. MS occurs with an episode from which single recover full, after that, disease develops in certain signifier. NICE ( 2004 ) statistics shows that 80 % persons with MS are diagnosed with relapsing- remitting signifier of disease. Get worsing – remitting disease occurs when patients experien ce backsliding, which can last from 1 twenty-four hours to several months. Relapse occurs in loss of mobility, loss in map of vesica, loss of vision, general palsy of the voluntary musculuss. There is no patterned advance between backslidings. Multiple induration is long-run status with complex jobs, which requires broad scope of healthcare professions input: nurses, physicians, doctors, occupational healers and many more. At the present, there is no remedy for disease ( NICE, 2004 ) . Turning now to discourse evidence-based pattern occupational therapy intercessions, which could be good for Peter. Peter expresses symptoms of anxiousness, he does non cognize much about his status, he developed negative stereotype of physician due to deficient sum of information about his unwellness. Evidence based practician could construct curative relationship with Peter, for illustration by effectual communicated information about his status. Evidence based healer would inform patient about his status appropriate to his cognition abilities. Ongoing support, entree to information and advice on intervention could hold positive influence on patient experience during rehabilitation procedure ( Kopke et al, 2010 ) . Kopke et Al ( 2010 ) protocol high spots sufficient and equal information through different channels ( cusps, cyberspace and instruction plans ) allows patient to understand unwellness, to develop direction schemes and to avoid unrealistic outlook from rehabilitation procedure. Occupational healer could develop collaborative relationship with Peter through battle in doing determinations, medical intercessions, and new technological AIDSs tailored to single demands. For illustration, information procedure is tailored and designed for Peter ‘s degree of apprehensio n, Consequently Peter ‘s chief outlooks are reassured by occupational healer – to be included in rehabilitation procedure, fell heard and understood. Furthermore, patient can understand complexness of disease has pick in assorted intervention options and feels empowered ( Reynolds, 2005 ) . MS has impact on many countries on people life, where employment position concern persons, many may fight to stay in work function. Sweetland et Al ( 2007 ) undertook survey, where participants were tape recorded to demo outlooks and deductions for patients with MS in vocational market. Paper demonstrated demand in MS work force population entree to vocational rehabilitation, support public presentation in work topographic point, direction of anxiousness and fright from favoritism. Peter wellbeing is influenced by fright, uncertainness about employment position, deficient money income, and deteriorating wellness status. Define employment statute law to patient and employment rights, as a disable individual and supply vocational support ( Disability Employment Advisers and the Access to Work Scheme ) , could steer Peter to understand his position in work field ( Sweetland et al, 2007 ) . Evidence based practician could present Peter to statute law act. For illustration, Disability Dis crimination Act ( 1995 ) could demo Peter his rights as an employee. Information about eligibility to societal benefits allows service user to experience reassured about fiscal facet of life ( Johnson et al, 2004 ) . To assist in employment service occupational healer could intercede with Job Centre and local authorities governments ( council ) to accomplish fiscal grant for version in work environment harmonizing to patterned advance of unwellness. However, healer has to be aware about patient status at work. Peter complains about weariness ( overpowering fatigue ) and musculus cramp. Peter is a forklift truck driver, remain in same on the job environment could set on hazard himself and others. MS exposes persons to hazard of hurt because weariness could take to nausea, freak out, and loss of balance. Ongoing appraisal of work conditions is of import for persons to show jobs as they arise. Management of weariness symptoms, support from employer and work co-workers, flexible work ag enda, cognition development about societal benefits could hold positive impact on employment public presentation. Informing employer about unwellness would be of import due to wellness and safety issues, moreover to put up solutions in working environment. Taking into history Peter ‘s outlooks and demands grounds based pattern healer could develop intercession where Peter could prolong effectual employment ( Johnson et al, 2004 ) . Young and in-between age grownups are affected by Peter ‘s status ( MS ) . Assorted facets of single life are affected by unwellness. Disturbance occurs in instruction, employment, physical operation or disablement and of import to many sexual life. Clinically effectual healer using intercession in sexual life filed should take sensitive attack. Peter ‘s status would hold impact on his sexual public presentation, hence healer should concentrate on client-centred attack, adapt actions to carry through patient demands and outlooks. Often patients exhibit demands, but they do non show them, where upon that grounds based healer should use observation accomplishments and intuition in rehabilitation procedure ( Reynolds, 2005 ) . Insufficiency in curative apprehension of biographical breaks such as relationship dislocation due to hapless or absence of sexual activities can be a barrier between patient and healer. Effective communicating has a important function in active engage ment into rehabilitation where issues of sexual disfunction arise. Although, sexual life is meaningful demand of many persons, abashing nature of issue for patient and healer may act upon patient ‘s attachment to long-run intervention ( Reynolds 2005 ) . Evidence based practician acknowledges complexness of sexual disfunction reding patient to seek advice in collaborative services like reding. In Peter ‘s instance, client- centred healer through sensitive attack could turn to jobs with erectile disfunction or is prepared for comment from patient side. Evidence based practician could turn to Peter with pharmacological aid ( Viagra ) ; offer to see specializer in sexual jobs and advice how to utilize sexual AIDSs or accommodate sexual place ( NICE, 2004 ) . Multiple induration is long term neurological status. Harmonizing to World Health Organization ( WHO, 2008 ) , there is no intervention that can bring around MS. Evidence shows that cost of medical intervention can be expensive and it is merely limited to decelerate down patterned advance of disease. WHO papers ( 2008 ) high spots importance of rehabilitation procedure in MS. For illustration grounds, based healer could pull attending to direction schemes for unwellness. Occupational healer could demo Peter how to pull off weariness through maintaining day-to-day journal of activities, regular exercising and implement agenda of brakes between activities. Evidence based healer could intercede with other healthcare professions to advance client centred attack to MS. Result of coaction between multidisciplinary squad could be good for Peter. For illustration, evidence-based occupational healer could join forces with psychologist, where psychological science session could assist Peter ad just to, and header with MS. Finally yet significantly, rehabilitation procedure could better quality of his life ( WHO, 2008 ) . This overview of surveies is focused on efficiency of occupational therapy for Peter, who suffers from MS. Key aspect for grounds based pattern healer is to enable Peter to stay independent and supply him with accomplishable ends. Occupational therapy for Peter could hold problem-solving attack. Critically measuring their pattern grounds based occupational healer would make chances where Peter could heighten his life quality. Evidence based healer would seek advice from other wellness attention professions and authorities bureaus, local governments to advance effectual and sustainable employment position. Effective communicating between occupational therapy and Peter would construct profession relationship, which could be a span to prosecute patient in lifetime rehabilitation journey. Empathic, client centred occupational therapy procedure would be perceive as allied tool to assist Peter to understand his hard and complex unwellness. However, occupational healer would non be able to handle his status, however evidence-based occupational healer could assist Peter prolong his independency and enable Peter to recover feeling of ‘normality ‘ . Mentions: Bailey, D. , M. , Bornstein, J. , & A ; Ryan, S. ( 2007 ) . A instance study of evidence-based pattern: From academe to clinic. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 61 ( 1 ) , 85-91. Disability Discrimination Act 1995. ( 1995 ) London: HMSO Hoffmann, T. , Bennett, S. , Del Mar, C. ( 2009 ) . Evidence-Based Practice Across the Health Care Professions. Australia: Elsevier. Johnson, K. , L. , Amtmann, D. , Yorkston K. , M. , Klasner, E. , R. , Kuehn, C. , M. ( 2004 ) . Medical, Psychological, Social, and Programmatic Barriers to Employment for Peoples with Multiple Sclerosis. Journal of Rehabilitation. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // Ver=1 & A ; Exp=10-27-2015 & A ; FMT=7 & A ; DID=577472521 & A ; RQT=309 & A ; cfc=1 [ Accessed 28 October 2010 ] Kopke, S. , Solari, A. , Khan, F. , Heesen, C. , Giordano, A. ( 2010 ) . Information proviso for individuals with multiple induration. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Issue 10. Art. No. : CD008757. Department of the interior: 10.1002/14651858.CD008757. Lin, S. , H. , Murphy, S. , L. , Robinson, J. , C. ( 2010 ) . Facilitating Evidence-Based Practice: Procedure, Strategies, and Resources. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 64 ( 1 ) , 164-171. National Institute for Clinical Excellence and the National Collaborating Centre for Chronic Conditions ( 2004 ) Multiple Sclerosis: National clinical guideline for diagnosing and direction in primary and secondary attention. London: Royal College of Physicians. Reynolds, F. ( 2005 ) . Communication and Clinical Effectiveness in Rehabilitation. London: Elsevier. Sweetland, J. , Riazi, A. , Cano, S. , J. , Playford, E. , D. ( 2007 ) . Vocational rehabilitation services for people with multiple induration: what patients want from clinicians and employers. Multiple Sclerosis. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // Ver=1 & A ; Exp=11-09-2015 & A ; FMT=7 & A ; DID=1370288031 & A ; RQT=309 [ Accessed on 10 November 2010 ] Taylor, M. , C. ( 2000 ) . Evidence- based pattern for occupational healers. Oxford: Blackwell Science.World Health Organisation ( 2008 ) . Atlas multiple induration resources in the universe 2008. [ Online ] Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed on 28 October 2010 ]Student figure: 1041133Discuss the strengths and restrictions of the educational cusp that you developed within a little group during HH1103 seminars.The purpose of this essay is rating of educational and communicational stuff in signifier of cusp based on Helen instance, who suffers from Juvenile Chronic Arthritis ( JCA ) . Essay draws definition of status and find how cusp is presented and why. Furthermore, paper demonstrates leaflet restrictions and strengths and how good meets it purpose. The intent of the cusp was to inform Helen and her parents, in simple signifier and mode, about her condition-JCA. Furthermore, cusp is designed to go through mes sage about available services, signifier of rehabilitation, and direction of JCA. Leaflet chief subject is concentrated around solutions in life manner and rehabilitation for 14-year-old miss Helen. Leaflet is designed upon Helen personal experience and her unwellness JCA. JCA is status, which affects articulations in kids, age under 16 old ages old. One in 1000 kids in United Kingdom is affected ; in relation to gender, females are impacted more than males. Skin haste, joint puffiness, febrility, alteration in temper are symptoms associated with JCA. Rehabilitation procedure has successful rate in bulk instances ; it enables single to continue normal rate of growing and psychological development ( Arthritis Care, 2010 ) . The cusp is composed in simple signifier where colorful strategy would pull Helen ‘s attending. Choice of the colors is non sponsoring, it is modern and does non hold important impact on cost of bring forthing the cusp ( Department of Health, 2003 ) . When it comes to artworks, images suggest activities in which Helen could prosecute and present to the remainder of the household importance of active life style. For illustration, image of the household in swimming pool displayed on the forepart of the cusp, illustrates intending to rehabilitation procedure. Furthermore, it encourages Helen and her household to take part in activity. Swiming Sessionss could actuate household to pass quality clip together and authorise Helen in her unwellness. The National Health Service ( NHS ) logo could be discouragement for Helen, doing cusp to functionary. However, it could be invitation point for her parents, where it could be a beginning of credibleness ( Department of Health, 2003 ) . The font size is clear and information flow through the cusp. Information is arranged in little intersections to do more apprehensible for kids. It was of import to implement slug points where possible so leaflet draws attending and it is non deadening, but has patient friendly-text facet. Identify beginning of information is distinguished where it proved cusp to be honorable usher to JCA ( Department of Health, 2003 ) . It was precedence to turn up information about medical intervention. Helen conformity with medicine is deficient. Information introduced in cusp could carry her to follow guidelines from GP related to her medical intervention. There is some grounds, where written information about medicine has benefits on patients ‘ results: like cognition or conformity ( Nicolson et al, 2009 ) . Conformity with medicine could be good for Helen by cut downing degree of hurting ; subsequently medicine would cut down swelling of the articulations and enable Helen in active engagement in physical signifier of intervention. The country where cusp informs patient about medicine could be less enlightening. Information about medicines could be to formal for Helen by seting her off. However, cusp could steer Helen into different beginning of information ( cyberspace or other cusps ) , where medicine is explained in simple linguistic communication, and inside informations possible side effects ( Nicolso n et al, 2009 ) . It is a challenge to develop cusp for the patient with low readability and those who expect information that is more specific. Determine whether the cusp linguistic communication is comprehendible and suited for bulk of population is based on Reading Ease mark ( Reynolds, 2005 ) . Language used in cusp is clear to average 13-14 twelvemonth old kid. Simple and apparent linguistic communication could be easy to retrieve. Verbal information could be easy forgot or misunderstood during patient audience session. Written information could hence patient engagement in rehabilitation ( Dixon-Woods, 2001 ) . Medical slang is reduced to minimum when explicating JCA. Adequate cognition about status explained in apparent linguistic communication could be a signifier of instruction. Available intervention options for Helen ‘s status could authorise her parents in decision-making procedure ( Dixon-Woods, 2001 ) . However, if patients who would wish to research status in more inside informatio ns, cusp should supply more equal information in last subdivision of cusp. Overall, construct of the cusp is good. Leaflet is non merely about patient information, but has legion advice and solutions for Helen and her household. Therefore, it seems reasonable that cusp ushers reader to seek advice in extra services. Group could implement few betterments in some countries. Where needed squad could concentrate on board populace and made it leaflet less official. Furthermore, would be good if cusp explore more about occupational therapy and physical therapy rehabilitation for Helen. Nevertheless, cusp achieved it chief intent: to pass on information about Helen ‘s status to her and household.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Scholastic’s Marketing Strategy

Evolving a successful marketing strategy depends on an effective situation analysis, which involves identifying the customer needs, changes in the operating environment, new opportunities, and the capability of the company to meet these changes. Scholastic corporation is one of the leading publishers catering to the children's segment. With decades of experience in children's publishing and links with most schools libraries across the nation the company has a great outreach to the student segment compared to other competing publishers. However, some changes in the external factors have clearly affected the company's business in a negative way. First and foremost of them is the government's cutting short of school budget allocation, which implied that libraries could no longer afford to spend funds for buying new books. This was a drastic blow for Scholastic as the company depended on its extensive tie-ups with school libraries for its regular business. Next, is the surge of the competitors such as Simon and Schuster and Houghton Mifflin who are capitalizing on Scholastic's inept handling of the changing market situation. These competitors, by their more effective marketing strategies have already started to increase their share in the market, which was previously largely dominated by Scholastic. Scholastic has failed to forge relationships with teachers and management in reaching out to the students. This lack of appreciation of the value of proper human relations is another big hurdle in its business interests, especially when the market seems to be lagging. To be successful under these changing circumstances Scholastic has to revamp their marketing strategy. Focus should be placed on increasing the literacy interests of the younger generation. Under the strange circumstances that the government is crying about improving the literacy skills of students while at the same time cutting the funding for the schools, Scholastic could put to good use its extensive connections with schools by actively participating and organizing book fairs and book clubs. An important fact is that book fairs promote book sales and stimulates reading in children, which in turn implies more books sales. Scholastic should sponsor more book clubs, which would help kindle the reading habits of the school going children. Thus by co-ordinating and working actively with school management Scholastic could promote the reading interests among children which seems to be threatened by the funding cuts by the government. Given that more than 100,000 school book fairs are organized every year around the country, it is plainly obvious that Scholastic should actively participate with the schools in organizing and conducting these book fairs and book club's. These programs, though, may involve expenditure on the part of the company, constitute a good strategy which promises a lot in the long-term. Thus, by organizing these book fairs and book clubs with minimum or even as a non-profit initiative, Scholastic corporation could actively contribute to promoting literacy interests of children upon which rests the success of its future business.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Compare and contrast Duke Ellington Essays

Compare and contrast Duke Ellington Essays Compare and contrast Duke Ellington Essay Compare and contrast Duke Ellington Essay Louis Armstrong composed hotter than that for the hot five, the band him and his wife (the manger) were in. The piece was written for a trumpet, trombone, scat vocals, clarinet, banjo, piano and guitar. Duke Longtime however composed for a much bigger group of instruments consisting of alto sax, clarinet, tenor sax, baritone sax, trumpet, trombone, guitar, piano and double bass. As Louis Armstrong was writing in the New Orleans style within hotter than that there was collective improvisation used, however this was not Seibel for duke Elongations kook as was written for many more instruments. Both Duke Longtime and Louis Armstrong used instrumental techniques in their pieces . However they both differed in what type they used. Armstrong uses lots of vibrato smears rips and fall-offs. Longtime however used mutes to create his techniques as his instrumentation included trombones. He used the plunger mute to create a way way sound and also the pixie mute which creates a buzz sound. Louis Armstrong wrote in 32 bar sonata form with 3 32 bar choruses then a duet and link followed by a 4th 32 bar chorus then a odd. Duke Longtime however did not compose in the form but wrote in 12 bar blues from. This was an introduction followed by 7, 12 bar choruses and finally a coda. Louis Armstrong hotter than that is written in E flat major and Duke Elongations kook is written in E flat minor. These keys reinforce the pieces mood with Duke Longtime writing a kind of jungle mood. Duke Longtime also used a lot of dissonant harmony. Louis Armstrong however used mainly primary chords.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Race in Social Services essays

Race in Social Services essays Children's Institute International (CII) is a private non-profit organization that improves the lives of Los Angeles' most vulnerable children by helping them directly and by strengthening the families and the communities in which they live. The organization is an equal opportunity employer and, therefore, race is not a factor that has any role to play in either recruitment or career planning. Race is also not an eligibility criterion for the organization's service programs that include the key areas of child and family assessment, sexual abuse treatment, domestic violence intervention, family treatment services, therapeutic day care, and long-term foster family care. Thus, it is evident that race has no role to In fact, since CII's objective is to serve families and children all over Los Angeles country, its programs and services do not even specifically target a particular racial or ethnic population. However, because the need for CII's services is greater among high-need, low- resource communities, it can be said that the organization's programs appear to target the African-American and Hispanic communities. The organization's services may seem skewed towards the African-American and Hispanic communities, but the fact remains that CII is an organization that supports racial diversity. Indeed, this is evident in the racial/ethnic composition of the organization and the complete absence of comments pertaining to racial or ethnicity issues during working hours. CII is also an organization that makes an effort to stress its racially diverse nature by encouraging it members to be aware of the importance of racial diversity. As such, the organizational culture and composition has ensured that there is no consciousness of racial issues among its members. Perhaps, the only perspective from which it can be said that members of CII are conscious of racial issues is, if one ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Behaviour Therapy for Child Sleep Disorder

Behaviour Therapy for Child Sleep Disorder Aims: Outlines the nature of behavioural aspects of children’s sleep and how these might be addressed by behaviour therapy. Clinical considerations concerned with the use of behavioural therapy are also highlighted. Consider behavioural aspects (ie, learned behaviours) and their relevance for our understanding of children’s sleep patterns and management of their sleep disorders. Increase awareness of how behavioural factors may play a role in the development and treatment of wide-ranging paediatric sleep disorders and to discuss clinical considerations relevant to management planning and decisions about whether to refer a child for specialist behavioural therapy. Classification: International Classification of Sleep Disorders of ‘‘behavioural insomnia of childhood’’:Â  (present with difficulty settling to sleep, nightwaking and/or early waking difficulties) Overall prevalence rates of 30% ‘‘inappropriate sleep onset asso ciations’’ (ie, where the child has not learnt to fall asleep without a set of problematic or demanding conditions such as parents’ being present), ‘ ‘limit-setting sleep disorder’’ (ie where the care giver demonstrates insufficient or inappropriate limit-setting to establish appropriate sleep behaviour in the child) ‘‘combined’’subtype where these two problems co-exist. 25–50% of 6–12-month olds have difficulty settling to sleep or waking in the night do not decrease with age: by age 3 years, 25–30% have sleeplessness problems With similar percentages reported for the 3–5-year age group, 43% of 8–10-year olds 23% of 10– 17-year olds. These problems are not transient; an epidemiological study of a cohort of 5-year olds suggested that sleeping problems at age 5 years were significantly associated with sleeping difficulties at age 6 months (or before) and that children with sleep problems at age 5 years were more likely to have sleeping problems at 10 years. Over 80 sleep disorders listed in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders, which are divided into six main categories: insomnia, sleep-related breathing disorders, hypersomnia of central origin, circadian rhythm disorders (ex. Delayed sleep phase syndrome) parasomnias (ex. Sleep terrors, nightmares) Helped by beh therapy. sleep-related movement disorder (ex. nocturnal headbanging) (in preliminary reports) Behavioural Interventions: Classical conditioning is a form of associative learning whereby a neutral stimulus is paired with a naturally occurring stimulus, which evokes the desired behavioural response until, after multiple pairings, the neutral stimulus alone is sufficient to elicit the desired behaviour; thus behaviours are conditioned to be elicited by antecedent conditions. Operant conditioning involves the use of consequences to modify the occurrence and form of behaviour. The particular intervention strategy used will vary depending on family and child factors and the nature of the sleep disturbance one hopes to address. General Principles: (The more consistently these principles are applied, the easier it will be for the child to learn) Behaviour can be encouraged by linking it with an antecedent stimulus, which serves to trigger the desired behaviour. Reinforcement- Behaviour is likely to recur if the consequences of the behaviour were reinforcing for the child. (Can be pos or neg) Extinction, or removing reinforcement (eg, drinks, parental presence, attention) maintaining the undesired behaviour (eg, crying, refusal to settle to sleep without the above) can be achieved gradually or abruptly. Shaping- A new behaviour can be encouraged by rewarding a series of responses that more and more closely resemble the desired behaviour. Punishment- Behaviour is less likely to occur if followed by a punishing consequence. (Can be pos or neg) Rewards Success

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Basque Conflict Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Basque Conflict - Research Paper Example Many of the Basque separatists were of the opinion that the only way they could achieve self-determination was by seceding from the two nations and forming an independent Basque state. Owing to the fact that succession was not welcomed by either the French or Spanish government, the revolutionists resorted to the only means the believed would push their point across and this was violent rebellion. Background In summary, the Basque separationist movement embodied the desire of the people to achieve a greater independence, nonetheless, the concept of what independence was varied among different groups, some wanted complete autonomy from Spain and France, believing that owing to the historical richness of their culture and the difference from Spain, the should form their own country. This was justified by the fact that the Basque region is one of the richest in Spain in terms or mineral resources, seaports and businesses such as banks and other industries and some of the inhabitants fel t that denationalizing was the most economically viable option.2 The movement begun as an idea and a political notion shared by a few but gradually developed into a far-reaching sentiment shared by millions of the inhabitants of the Basque region. ... The Basque movement first emerged as the 19th century ended, after the death of the leader Sabina de Arana Goiri they were granted full autonomy by the republican government and this freedom lasted until the end of the civil war.3 The republican government was overthrown by the Franco regime and this new regime negated many of the gains the Basque had made in self-determination previously. To make them pay for their support for the fallen republican government Franco committed many atrocities in his attempt to repudiate their independence, one of the most brutal of this was the Guernica bombing. In April 1937, he ordered the bombing of Guernica a thriving Basque town killing approximately 1000 people; this was the first manifestation of Franco’s hatred for the Basque people but far from the last. Cultural political repression From this incidence of Guernica bombing, must ask what the reaction of the international community was? To what was a clearly inhumane and unwarranted ma ss murder of innocents simply so that Franco could make his point? However, there was a lot of tension in the international scene as countries weaved alliances in preparation for the impeding war and although there were widespread recriminations no action was taken against Franco and this emboldened his diabolic actions. He continued to oppress them in a plethora of ways, he took away their freedom and even went as far as criminalizing their culture and language, and he was thus effectively stripping them of their freedom of expression speech and even conscience. Hundreds of Basque intellectuals and politicians were imprisoned and tortured under Franco’s orders because of their ideals on

Tort Coursework Resit Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tort Coursework Resit - Case Study Example Derek dismissed them. The Court of Appeal the decisions and reasons for the same were upheld. The court did not disturb the findings of fact as the same were admitted. The importance of the decision lies in the court's statement of principle may be stated as the coastguards were under no enforceable private law duty of care to respond to an emergency call and under no duty of care. Although the issue is expressed in this general way, the specific right in question in these appeals, is whether an action for breach of legal duty to take care while performing duties by coastguard can be brought against the Secretary who is responsible for Coastguard. law as to what is the duty to take care. Professor Sir Percy Winfield (1933) (1) defined a tort as 'the breach of a duty primarily fixed by the law, where the duty is one towards persons generally and its breach is redressible by an action for damages.' This necessarily implies that to succeed in an action the plaintiff must prove that In the absence of such legal duty negligence has no legal consequence. In Brett M.R. in Heaven v. Pender (2) it was established that under certain circumstances, one man may owe a duty to another, even though there is no privity of contract between them. Dicta of Brett M.R. in Heaven v. Pender as considered in 1932 by Lord Atkins J. in Donoghue v. Stevenson (3) laid down a very important principle of determining a duty. He held that "The liability for negligence, whet... Dicta of Brett M.R. in Heaven v. Pender as considered in 1932 by Lord Atkins J. in Donoghue v. Stevenson (3) laid down a very important principle of determining a duty. He held that "The liability for negligence, whether you style it such or treat it as in other systems as a species of "culpa," is no doubt based upon a general public sentiment of moral wrongdoing for which the offender must pay. But acts or omissions which any moral code would censure cannot in a practical world be treated so as to give a right to every person injured by them to demand relief. In this way rules of law arise which limit the range of complainants and the extent of their remedy. The rule that you are to love your neighbour becomes in law, you must not injure your neighbour; and the lawyer's question, Who is my neighbour receives a restricted reply. You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. Who, then, in law is my neighbour The answer seems 1. Winfield on Tort, 8th Ed. (1967) 2. (1883) 11 Q.B.D. 509; see also, Thomas v. Quartermaine, (1887) Q.B.D.685, Le Leiver v. Gould (1893) 1 Q.B. 491; Mogul Steamship Co. v. Mcgregor, Gow and Co.Ltd. (1889) 28 ABD 598; Mcrone v. Riding (1938) 1 E.R. 157; Heley v. London Electricity Board (1965) A.C. 778; Phillips v. William Whitely (1938) 1 A.E.R. 566 3. [1932] A.C. 562 to be - persons who are so closely and directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question. This appears to me to be the doctrine of Heaven v. Pender (11