Friday, May 22, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling - 1609 Words

Homeschooling is not a new concept to the United States, and for many centuries it was the only way for children to get an education. Many of our founding fathers were homeschooled, proving there is nothing wrong with homeschooling, and to this day it continues to provide children with an adequate education. Many parents believe that public school is satisfactory. However, they feel that homeschooling is a better option because it provides a safer environment for their children and more conducive to learning. Homeschooling is an effective method of education as homeschooled students continue to score high marks on national tests, interact socially with other students in all kinds of activities, achieve success in college, and become†¦show more content†¦Town leaders were instructed to watch over their neighbors, and if children were persistently neglected an education, they were to be removed from their homes. In 1647, the General Court of Massachusetts passed a more comp rehensive law requiring all towns to provide a school to teach children. The schools were located around the town so as no children had to travel more than one to two miles to attend school. During that time, a public school did not necessarily mean free. Some students were required to pay part of the cost by paying tuition, providing wood for the school, or lodging for the schoolmaster. Between 1867 and 1918 all states had passed compulsory school attendance laws. By the 1920’s, there were two significant Supreme Court decisions that curtailed the influence of compulsory attendance and would help to legalize the modern home school movement years later (Gatto 2001). In 1923, the Court ruled in Myer vs. Nebraska case that the state’s right over education is not absolute and in 1925 the Court, in Pierce vs. Society of Sisters, said Oregon parents could not be denied their own schools to teach their children (Gatto 2001). By the late 1960’s, the rise of the hippie culture brought back the concept of homeschooling. Hippies rebelled against everything and this included education. The 1970’s brought about the BiblicalShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay Homeschooling923 Words   |  4 Pageseffective style of school called homeschooling has emerged. Most of todays parents have gone to a public school because homeschooling was not very well know n back when they were school aged. Since then, homeschooling has become much more popular and has been proven to be effective. Parents should consider homeschooling their kids as an alternative to sending them to a public school. While public schooling is the traditional way of receiving education, homeschooling is an alternative that must beRead MorePersuasive Essay On Homeschooling831 Words   |  4 PagesHomeschooling refers to the procedure of teaching kids from home instead of sending them to public or private schools. This is when they are taught by parents, brothers, sisters, a neighborhood friend, or online. Homeschooling is not for everybody and as we will see later the pros and cons of homeschooling. People say it is good because there is not busy work all the work can be done in a few hours. Then, people say it is bad because parents or whoever is teaching has to be with the kids all theRead MoreHomeschooling Persuasive Essay1949 Words   |  8 Pagesstudents to go to school. There is public school, private school, charter school, contract school, and home schools. The question on many people’s minds is â€Å"Why home schooling over any other schooling?† Since 1970s there has been a dramatic growth in homeschooling for student’s kindergarten to twelfth grade students. 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