Friday, May 22, 2020

Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling - 1609 Words

Homeschooling is not a new concept to the United States, and for many centuries it was the only way for children to get an education. Many of our founding fathers were homeschooled, proving there is nothing wrong with homeschooling, and to this day it continues to provide children with an adequate education. Many parents believe that public school is satisfactory. However, they feel that homeschooling is a better option because it provides a safer environment for their children and more conducive to learning. Homeschooling is an effective method of education as homeschooled students continue to score high marks on national tests, interact socially with other students in all kinds of activities, achieve success in college, and become†¦show more content†¦Town leaders were instructed to watch over their neighbors, and if children were persistently neglected an education, they were to be removed from their homes. In 1647, the General Court of Massachusetts passed a more comp rehensive law requiring all towns to provide a school to teach children. The schools were located around the town so as no children had to travel more than one to two miles to attend school. During that time, a public school did not necessarily mean free. Some students were required to pay part of the cost by paying tuition, providing wood for the school, or lodging for the schoolmaster. Between 1867 and 1918 all states had passed compulsory school attendance laws. By the 1920’s, there were two significant Supreme Court decisions that curtailed the influence of compulsory attendance and would help to legalize the modern home school movement years later (Gatto 2001). In 1923, the Court ruled in Myer vs. Nebraska case that the state’s right over education is not absolute and in 1925 the Court, in Pierce vs. Society of Sisters, said Oregon parents could not be denied their own schools to teach their children (Gatto 2001). By the late 1960’s, the rise of the hippie culture brought back the concept of homeschooling. Hippies rebelled against everything and this included education. The 1970’s brought about the BiblicalShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay Homeschooling923 Words   |  4 Pageseffective style of school called homeschooling has emerged. Most of todays parents have gone to a public school because homeschooling was not very well know n back when they were school aged. Since then, homeschooling has become much more popular and has been proven to be effective. Parents should consider homeschooling their kids as an alternative to sending them to a public school. While public schooling is the traditional way of receiving education, homeschooling is an alternative that must beRead MorePersuasive Essay On Homeschooling831 Words   |  4 PagesHomeschooling refers to the procedure of teaching kids from home instead of sending them to public or private schools. This is when they are taught by parents, brothers, sisters, a neighborhood friend, or online. Homeschooling is not for everybody and as we will see later the pros and cons of homeschooling. People say it is good because there is not busy work all the work can be done in a few hours. Then, people say it is bad because parents or whoever is teaching has to be with the kids all theRead MoreHomeschooling Persuasive Essay1949 Words   |  8 Pagesstudents to go to school. There is public school, private school, charter school, contract school, and home schools. The question on many people’s minds is â€Å"Why home schooling over any other schooling?† Since 1970s there has been a dramatic growth in homeschooling for student’s kindergarten to twelfth grade students. Although White gives effective arguments, and includes no obvious recall of evidence, she builds her credentials from subjects who have personally experiences, controversial evidence, and thenRead MoreHomeschooling outline persuasive speech Essay860 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿Persuasive Speech Outline on Homeschooling General Purpose: I want to persuade my audience Specific Goal: I would like the audience to understand the advantage of why I strongly believe homeschooling is beneficial. Thesis: Homeschooling environment is an effective approach in education due to evidence of higher achievement on placement tests, success through college, engaged socially with activities outside homes, and students becoming active members of society. Organization Pattern: (StatementRead MorePhilosophy of Education Essays1644 Words   |  7 Pagesspin on the role of school in society is homeschooling. I think it has many good and bad features. One great aspect of homeschooling is it makes parents feel that their child is in a safe environment, and that they are able to shelter them from the things that they are exposed to in public schools. But, ironically, that is also the problem. Social development is a crucial part of any education, and in many cases, homeschooling hinders this. Homeschooling also allows children to have the freedom ofRead MoreThe Is Not Emotionally Healing Or Accepting Our Fate?990 Words   |  4 Pagesrewriting in academic essays and text. He sees this phrase as the best tool for writers to use when dealing with other people s ideas and motivations. There are steps you have to take to come to terms with someone else’s writing. First, you must define the project and what the purpose is. Without this key step, you do not really know what to come to terms with and are lost to the goals of the text to begin with. For example, if you read an essay about the benefits of homeschooling without defining the

Monday, May 18, 2020

The New World s Tempest - 3495 Words

Derek Simmons July 22, 2015 ENGL 4011 Dr. Frank Brevik The New World’s Tempest â€Å"The Tempest† is a Shakespearean play that takes play on a desert island somewhere between Tunis and Naples. A hazardous storm appears impacting a ship of European nobles and mariners; on board are Alonso, King of Naples, Gonzalo, Boatswain, Trinculo, Stefano, Antonio, Sebastian, and Ferdinand. The nobles are leaving Tunis, Africa after the wedding of Claribel, daughter of the King of Naples to the prince. Prospero, the former Duke of Milan uses his sorcery to conjure the very storm that bombards the nobles in order to bring them to the island. Frey interjects, â€Å"In 1808, Edmond Malone argued that Shakespeare derived the title and some of the play’s incidents from accounts of a storm and shipwreck experienced by Sir Thomas Gates and other Jamestown colonists on the Bermuda islands in 1609† (Frey 29).The play entails the romance of Ferdinand, Alonso’s son and Miranda, Prospero’s daughter; while also detailing a twelve year power struggle that is resurfacing itself in a treacherous plot for power. In comparison to the New World’s politics, â€Å"The Tempest† can be read as a play that deals with these same political issues: rebellion of constituted authorities, colonization of a new land, dehumanizing of the natives, marriages and romances of royalty, masters and servants, Christian virtues, and visions of a utopia. In the New World, there is a balance of power and a struggle to maintain this balanceShow MoreRelatedThe Tempest By William Shakespeare1705 Words   |  7 PagesLiterature Mr. Nath 5 December 2014 The Tempest Written between 1610 and 1611, The Tempest by William Shakespeare is the final play penned by the famous Bard. The play portrays the illusory struggle of power and conscience through the character of Prospero and his egocentric motives. Politically, the play can be seen as an analysis of important political issues relevant to that of oppression and imperialistic tendencies of the time. Artistically, The Tempest emphasizes the nature of art, more prominentlyRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s The Tempest1267 Words   |  6 PagesGovernment. Endorsed by the king, Shakespeare’s works told tales of tragedy and whimsy, incorporating both fiction and nonfiction elements. One trademark of Shakespeare s plays were the subtle allusions to the concurrent events in the English government. This is evident in his well known and final play, The Tempest. The story of The Tempest tells the tale of Prospero, a fallen duke forced to live on a desolate island in exile. He intends to regain his duked om and seek revenge upon those who wronged himRead More Aime Cesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest1683 Words   |  7 PagesCesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚   Negritude, originally a literary and ideological movement of French-speaking black intellectuals, reflects an important and comprehensive reaction to the colonial situation of European colonization (Carlberg).   This movement, which influenced Africans as well as blacks around the world, specifically rejects the political, social, and moral domination of the West.  Ã‚   Leopold Senghor, Leon Damas, and Aime Cesaire are the three pioneersRead More Exploring Shakespeares Presentation of the Theme of Power in The Tempest1647 Words   |  7 PagesExploring Shakespeares Presentation of the Theme of Power in The Tempest In The Tempest, power manifests itself in many different forms. Three of the main types of power that Shakespeare explores are the power of love, the power of magic and illusion and the power of a master over his slave. He presents these forms of power in a number of ways. In The Tempest Prospero appears to hold the majority of the power. He maintains his control over other characters inRead MoreWorld Events Influencing Shakespeare ¨s The Tempest Essay example1277 Words   |  6 Pagesknown as the Elizabethan Era. The world and its people were quickly evolving. It was the â€Å"golden age† of poetry, music and literature. It was in the midst of European exploration that Shakespeare wrote, The Tempest. It would be safe to suggest that many of the worldly events during this time, such as the shipwreck of Sea Venture, global colonization, and the works of Michel de Montaigne, had prodigious influences on Shakespeare’s play, The Tempest. The Tempest starts aboard a ship in the middleRead MoreThe Postcolonial Interpretations Of Shakespeares The Tempest1512 Words   |  7 Pages The Tempest, written by playwright William Shakespeare is one of his most popular, yet also controversial plays. This paper will discuss the postcolonial interpretations of Shakespeare’s play, by looking at the nature of colonialism, and how it has been incorporated within his play, through the role of the colonized versus the colonizers. This paper will also compare how 21st century audience’s views may differ to that of the traditional Elizabethan’s, in relation to the play’s treatment of theRead More The Genre of The Tempest Essay952 Words   |  4 Pages The Genre of The Tempest The Tempest is customarily identified as the William Shakespeares last piece. These marginal issues aside, The Tempest is the forth, final and finest of Shakespeares great and/or late romances. Along with Pericles, Cymbeline and The Winters Tale, The Tempest belongs t the genre of Elizabethan romance plays. It combines elements of Tragedy (Prosperos revenge/Loss of a royal son) with those of romantic comedy (the young lover Ferdinand andRead MoreThe Tempest, By William Shakespeare1343 Words   |  6 Pagesobvious parallels is, of course, to Shakespeare s The Tempest, the story of a man stranded on an island which he has single-handedly brought under his control through the use of magic. Indeed, the characters, plot, and lesson of Forbidden Planet mirror almost exactly those of The Tempest, with the exception that where The Tempest employs magic, Forbidden Planet utilizes technology. At this point, it is useful to recall one of Arthur C. Clarke s more famous ideas, which is that any technologyRead MorePost Colonial Translations Of The Tempest : Colonial Society s Universal Mirror1672 Words   |  7 PagesTranslations of The Tempest: Colonial Society’s Universal Mirror Shakespeare’s The Tempest has been viewed through many different lenses, and each translation brings with it a new and differing understanding of Shakespeare’s complex original work. Two specific translations, Coetzee’s novel Disgrace and Cesaire’s play A Tempest, do an exemplary job at translating The Tempest, because both translations looked at a different aspect of the colonizer-colonized relationship. Cesaire s A Tempest translates theRead More Conflict and Harmony in The Tempest Essay1390 Words   |  6 PagesConflict and Harmony in The Tempest   Ã‚  Ã‚   William Shakespeare describes a utopic world saturated with supernatural images and ideas which works to create the mysterious island where The Tempest takes place.   This is one of Shakespeares best examples of how a natural harmony reveals itself through the actions of discourse and confusion.   To illustrate this idea best one must examine the historical context upon which The Tempest is based.   Because this play was published in the early 1600s

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Policies And Issues Affect Partisanship - 1656 Words

How New Policies and Issues Affect Partisanship When you observe the graph that the American National Election Studies has created, you begin to notice a pattern. This pattern would be that there was either an increase or decrease in the strength of the peoples partisanship for each party around the time that a new president came into office. It seems that every single time that there was a change in the political leader of our country that people either felt very strong partisanship or very little. This must have to do with the idea that with each new president, the new issues arising in the country will be handled a certain way. Furthermore, how said issues are handled by those in office affect the partisanship. These new issues†¦show more content†¦After Eisenhowers very quiet term, President John F. Kennedy is elected from Massachusetts. This is a change in party control because now a Democrat is in office. This, on the graph, marks the highpoint of strength in party partisanship. This may have to do with the many di fferent issues going on at the time. The Civil Rights movement is coming to full power, the great space race is underway, and the conflict with communism continues. All of these different issues cause an rally of support from the people for their parties. JFK is now taking charge to get rid of Jim Crow laws which are unlike more Democrats at the time, and Kennedy is having to deal with spreading communism and the Cuban Missile Crisis. The civil rights movement leads people to have differing opinions on the Jim Crow laws. The mostly Democrat south did not have a problem with the laws in place and maybe people had the idea that separate but equal was ok. In fact, in 1964, twelve southern states voted nay on cloture for the Civil Rights Act. In the end, Lyndon B. Johnson signs the act into law which drives many African Americans to the Democratic party, strengthening the partisanship for Democrats. How John F. Kennedy handled the Cuban missile crisis and the increasing of aid in South Vietnam while creating sanctions for North Vietnam also helped create stronger partisanship, by going the diplomatic route instead of militaryShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Gallup Polls Surveys704 Words   |  3 PagesAnother counterpoint that can be made is that party identification is amplified during election years, which in turn affects partisan vote that would otherwise dissipate in midterm or off-election years. However, Gallup Polls surveys, conducted face-to-face from 1953 to 1995, provided â€Å"no evidence that party identification surges during presidential [or off] election years†. These surveys in both the short and long term attests to the fact that party identification is extremely stable for votersRead MoreThe Health Care System Is Not A Centralized Control One Like Other Developed Countries915 Words   |  4 Pagesparticipants having a say about its governance. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethical Dilemma And Ethical Dilemmas - 2044 Words

During one of my recent practicums, I encountered an ethical dilemma that could have caused some issues in my teaching. I had to refer to the code of ethics and eventually decide the best course of action that I saw fit for the situation in front of me. My decisions could have been seen differently from different points of views in schools and society. In my essay, I have outlined my ethical dilemma and possible actions I could have considered followed by what I ultimately chose. I have outlined how different groups of people could have viewed my decision and how I could have changed my reaction if this was to happen in the future. Describe As we sat down on the mat for my maths lesson, there was a confrontation between two children, child A and child B. Child A sat down in his mat formation spot, in doing so he accidentally tripped Child B over with his leg. Child B got very angry about this and deemed that child A did this on purpose. Child B then went on to grab child A. Child A tried to push child B off but child B was very forceful. This is not the first incident we had experienced with child B. In the past, he had got angry at several other students. Child B seemed to have some anger issues, if something happened to him or he didn’t get his own way, he got angry and became unpredictable. There could have been some dispute about the ethnicities of the students involved as child A is Maori and child B is Samoan. The possible decisions I could have made were A) tried toShow MoreRelatedEthical Dilemmas Of The Workplace1538 Words   |  7 Pages1. Discuss an ethical dilemma that you have had to face in the wor kplace. Ethical dilemmas often occur when a manager or an employee is faced with two or more conflicting choices. Give as many facts and details as possible in describing your dilemma. The most difficult ethical dilemma I have dealt with was a summer job I had this past summer, while I was working for a bakery in my hometown. This past particular summer really tested what I believe is right and wrong and how to speak up. One of myRead MoreEthical Dilemmas Of The Workplace1291 Words   |  6 PagesEthical Dilemmas in the Workplace As a manager, you are the role model for staff. You set the standards, adhere to guidelines, and exemplify what you expect staff to model. By doing so, you are establishing and sustaining an organizational culture of ethics and integrity, which is the backbone of all successful endeavors. However, even the best structured organizations face ethical dilemmas in the workplace. It is how management recognizes and addresses these occurrences that will either set themRead MoreEthical Dilemma Assignment1766 Words   |  8 PagesCONSENT FORM Thank you for being willing to take part in this interview exploring ethical conflict or turbulence. I would like to transcribe the content of this interview to form a written document to be submitted to Sheffield Hallam University as a piece of assessed piece of coursework. It is important that you only take part in this interview if you want to. As such I would be delighted if you would complete and sign this confidentiality questionnaire prior to the interview taking place. (i)Read MoreCase Analysis : Ethical Dilemma1318 Words   |  6 PagesTitle of Paper: Ethical Dilemma One INTRODUCTION Mrs. Smith, is an 81-year-old widow. She has been widowed for over twenty years. She has been very independent with some assistance from neighbors due to her son living out of the area and unable to assist. Recently, she has had issues with her independence. She has set two accidental fires that caused damages to her apartment, as well as had a recent fall in the bathtub. These issues have gained her son’s attention which has led him to requestRead MoreEthical Dilemma at Workplace Essay1192 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Introduction – What is an ethical dilemma? Ethics is the term we give to our concern for good behavior.   It is human nature to not only be concerned with our own personal well being, but also that of others and of human society as a whole.   The difference between moral dilemmas and ethical ones, philosophers say, is that in moral issues the choice is between right and wrong.   In ethical ones, the choice is between two rights. Everyday Im faced with decisions of right and wrong, most of whichRead Moret Types of ethical dilemmas Mastery67Questions123Materials Essay2477 Words   |  10 PagesTypes of ethical dilemmas Mastery 67% Questions 1 2 3 Materials on the concept: Typical Moral Dilemmas Confronting Business Communicators Ethics and Law for Management Communication Top of Form 1. As part of an effort to hire younger workers, a multinational organization assures applicants that they will get to visit its offices in other countries and work with the employees there. However, only two out of every nine workers actually get selected for such projects. What moral dilemma best fitsRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemmas of Collecting Data and the Consequential Revision of Commodities, Culture and the Politics of Representations Definitions 1751 Words   |  7 Pagesinformation or data has become assets to companies, being regarded as property to be bought and sold to between companies. However, this has put forward the following primary ethical dilemmas surrounding human rights: the right to informed consent and the right to personal data. In addition to the creation of ethical dilemmas, the collection of human data has brought about a need for a revision of definitions. Commodities are known as a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be boughtRead More Will the Real Lupe Garza Please Stand Up? Essay1216 Words   |  5 PagesAn ethical dilemma is defined as a moral issue, where a situation has two equivalent undesirable alternatives and neither choice will resolve the ethical predicament. Lupe Garza, mother of two children, is a temporary employee at a plant. Garza is an excellent and talented worker, and supervisors have taken notice in her skills. A human resource specialist named Sara Jones, mislead Garza in thinking she would unquestionably obtain a permanent job position at the plant, causing Garza to turn downRead MoreThe Ethical Principles Of Respect For Autonomy984 Words   |  4 Pagesthe nurse to administer blood despite Mark’s refusal. This situation presents an ethical dilemma to the health professionals involved in Mark’s care. The ethical dilemma is whether to uphold his decision not to receive the blood and therefore risk his life or give him the blood to save his life despite knowing his religious status and beliefs. There are several ethical principles involved in this scenario. The ethical principles of respect for Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence, Veracity and FidelityRead MoreDuty to Warn Essays1522 Words   |  7 PagesDuty t o Warn Jessica Hall PSYCH/545 09/4/2011 Dr. P. Duty to Warn The ethical dilemma I wish to explore is The Duty to Warn. This refers to the duty of a counselor, therapist to breach one of the most important bonds between a client and a therapist; the law of confidentiality. The therapist has the right to break confidentiality without the fear of being brought up for legal action. If the therapist believes that the client poses a danger, or is a threat to himself, someone else, or society

The Twilight Saga 4 Breaking Dawn 33. Forever Free Essays

â€Å"Charlie, we’ve still got that strictly need-to-know company situation going. I know it’s been more than a week since you saw Renesmee, but a visit is just not a good idea right now. How about I bring Renesmee over to see you?† Charlie was quiet for so long that I wondered if he heard the strain beneath my fagade. We will write a custom essay sample on The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 33. Forever or any similar topic only for you Order Now But then he muttered, â€Å"Need to know, ugh† and I realized it was just his wariness of the supernatural that made him slow to respond. â€Å"Okay, kid,† Charlie said. â€Å"Can you bring her over this morning? Sue’s bringing me lunch. She’s just as horrified by my cooking as you were when you first showed up.† Charlie laughed and then sighed for the old days. â€Å"This morning will be perfect.† The sooner the better. I’d already put this off too long. â€Å"Is Jake coming with you guys?† Though Charlie didn’t know anything about werewolf imprinting, no one could be oblivious to the attachment between Jacob and Renesmee. â€Å"Probably.† There was no way Jacob would voluntarily miss an afternoon with Renesmee sans bloodsuckers. â€Å"Maybe I should invite Billy, too,† Charlie mused. â€Å"But†¦ hmm. Maybe another time.† I was only half paying attention to Charlie – enough to notice the strange reluctance in his voice when he spoke of Billy, but not enough to worry what that was about. Charlie and Billy were grown-ups; if there was something going on between them, they could figure it out for themselves. I had too many more important things to obsess over. â€Å"See you in a few,† I told him, and hung up. This trip was about more than protecting my father from the twenty-seven oddly matched vampires – who all had sworn not to kill anyone in a three-hundred-mile radius, but still†¦ Obviously, no human being should get anywhere near this group. This was the excuse I’d given Edward: I was taking Renesmee to Charlie so that he wouldn’t decide to come here. It was a good reason for leaving the house, but not my real reason at all. â€Å"Why can’t we take your Ferrari?† Jacob complained when he met me in the garage. I was already in Edward’s Volvo with Renesmee. Edward had gotten around to revealing my after car; as he’d suspected, I had not been capable of showing the appropriate enthusiasm. Sure, it was pretty and fast, but I liked to run. â€Å"Too conspicuous,† I answered. â€Å"We could go on foot, but that would freak Charlie out.† Jacob grumbled but got into the front seat. Renesmee climbed from my lap to his. â€Å"How are you?† I asked him as I pulled out of the garage. â€Å"How do you think?† Jacob asked bitingly. â€Å"I’m sick of all these reeking bloodsuckers.† He saw my expression and spoke before I could answer. â€Å"Yeah, I know, I know. They’re the good guys, they’re here to help, they’re going to save us all. Etcetera, etcetera. Say what you want, I still think Dracula One and Dracula Two are creep-tacular.† I had to smile. The Romanians weren’t my favorite guests, either. â€Å"I don’t disagree with you there.† Renesmee shook her head but said nothing; unlike the rest of us, she found the Romanians strangely fascinating. She’d made the effort to speak to them aloud since they would not let her touch them. Her question was about their unusual skin and, though I was afraid they might be offended, I was kind of glad she’d asked. I was curious, too. They hadn’t seemed upset by her interest. Maybe a little rueful. â€Å"We sat still for a very long time, child,† Vladimir had answered, with Stefan nodding along but not continuing Vladimir’s sentences as he often did. â€Å"Contemplating our own divinity. It was a sign of our power that everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, those seeking our favor. We sat on our thrones and thought ourselves gods. We didn’t notice for a long time that we were changing – almost petrifying. I suppose the Volturi did us one favor when they burned our castles. Stefan and I, at least, did not continue to petrify. Now the Volturi’s eyes are filmed with dusty scum, but ours are bright. I imagine that will give us an advantage when we gouge theirs from their sockets.† I tried to keep Renesmee away from them after that. â€Å"How long do we get to hang out with Charlie?† Jacob asked, interrupting my thoughts. He was visibly relaxing as we pulled away from the house and all its new inmates. It made me happy that I didn’t really count as a vampire to him. I was still just Bella. â€Å"For quite a while, actually.† The tone of my voice caught his attention. â€Å"Is something going on here besides visiting your dad?† â€Å"Jake, you know how you’re pretty good at controlling your thoughts around Edward?† He raised one thick black brow. â€Å"Yeah?† I just nodded, cutting my eyes to Renesmee. She was looking out the window, and I couldn’t tell how interested she was in our conversation, but I decided not to risk going any further. Jacob waited for me to add something else, and then his lower lip pushed out while he thought about what little I’d said. As we drove in silence, I squinted through the annoying contacts into the cold rain; it wasn’t quite cold enough for snow. My eyes were not as ghoulish as they had been in the beginning – definitely closer to a dull reddish orange than to bright crimson. Soon they’d be amber enough for me to quit the contacts, i hoped the change wouldn’t upset Charlie too much. Jacob was still chewing over our truncated conversation when we got to Charlie’s. We didn’t talk as we walked at a quick human pace through the falling rain. My dad was waiting for us; he had the door open before I could knock. â€Å"Hey, guys! It seems like it’s been years! Look at you, Nessie! Come to Grampa! I swear you’ve grown half a foot. And you look skinny, Ness.† He glared at me. â€Å"Aren’t they feeding you up there?† â€Å"It’s just the growth spurt,† I muttered. â€Å"Hey, Sue,† I called over his shoulder. The smell of chicken, tomato, garlic, and cheese issued from the kitchen; it probably smelled good to everyone else. I could also smell fresh pine and packing dust. Renesmee flashed her dimples. She never spoke in front of Charlie. â€Å"Well, come on in out of the cold, kids. Where’s my son-in-law?† â€Å"Entertaining friends,† Jacob said, and then snorted. â€Å"You’re so lucky you’re out of the loop, Charlie. That’s all I’m going to say.† I punched Jacob lightly in the kidney while Charlie cringed. â€Å"Ow,† Jacob complained under his breath; well, I’d thought I’d punched lightly. â€Å"Actually, Charlie, I have some errands to run.† Jacob shot a glance at me but said nothing. â€Å"Behind on your Christmas shopping, Bells? You only have a few days, you know.† â€Å"Yeah, Christmas shopping,† I said lamely. That explained the packing dust. Charlie must have put the old decorations up. â€Å"Don’t worry, Nessie,† he whispered in her ear. â€Å"I got you covered if your mom drops the ball.† I rolled my eyes at him, but in truth, I hadn’t thought about the holidays at all. â€Å"Lunch’s on the table,† Sue called from the kitchen. â€Å"C’mon, guys.† â€Å"See you later, Dad,† I said, and exchanged a quick look with Jacob. Even if he couldn’t help but think about this near Edward, at least there wasn’t much for him to share. He had no idea what I was up to. Of course, I thought to myself as I got into the car, it wasn’t like I had much idea, either. The roads were slick and dark, but driving didn’t intimidate me anymore. My reflexes were well up to the job, and I barely paid attention to the road. The problem was keeping my speed from attracting attention when I had company. I wanted to be done with today’s mission, to have the mystery sorted out so that I could get back to the vital task of learning. Learning to protect some, learning to kill others. I was getting better and better with my shield. Kate didn’t feel the need to motivate me anymore – it wasn’t hard to find reasons to feel angry, now that I knew that was the key – and so I mostly worked with Zafrina. She was pleased with my extension; I was able to cover almost a ten-foot area for more than a minute, though it exhausted me. This morning she’d been trying to find out if I could push the shield away from my mind altogether. I didn’t see what the use of that would be, but Zafrina thought it would help strengthen me, like exercising muscles in the stomach and back rather than just the arms. Eventually, you could lift more weight when all the muscles were stronger. I wasn’t very good at it. I had only gotten one glimpse of the jungle river she was trying to show me. But there were different ways to prepare for what was coming, and with only two weeks left, I worried that I might be neglecting the most important. Today I would rectify that oversight. I’d memorized the appropriate maps, and I had no problem finding my way to the address that didn’t exist online, the one for J. Jenks. My next step would be Jason Jenks at the other address, the one Alice had not given me. To say that it wasn’t a nice neighborhood would be an understatement. The most nondescript of all the Cullens’ cars was still outrageous on this street. My old Chevy would have looked healthy here. During my human years, I would have locked the doors and driven away as fast as I dared. As it was, I was a little fascinated. I tried to imagine Alice in this place for any reason, and failed. The buildings – all three stories, all narrow, all leaning slightly as if bowed by the pounding rain – were mostly old houses divided up into multiple apartments. It was hard to tell what color the peeling paint was supposed to be. Everything had faded to shades of gray. A few of the buildings had businesses on the first floor: a dirty bar with the windows painted black, a psychic’s supply store with neon hands and tarot cards glowing fitfully on the door, a tattoo parlor, and a daycare with duct tape holding the broken front window together. There were no lamps on inside any of the rooms, though it was grim enough outside that the humans should have needed the light. I could hear the low mumbling of voices in the distance; it sounded like TV. There were a few people about, two shuffling through the rain in opposite directions and one sitting on the shallow porch of a boarded-up cut-rate law office, reading a wet newspaper and whistling. The sound was much too cheerful for the setting. I was so bemused by the carefree whistler, I didn’t realize at first that the abandoned building was right where the address I was looking for should exist. There were no numbers on the dilapidated place, but the tattoo parlor beside it was just two numbers off. I pulled up to the curb and idled for a second. I was getting into that dump one way or another, but how to do so without the whistler noticing me? I could park the next street over and come through the back†¦. There might be more witnesses on that side. Maybe the rooftops? Was it dark enough for that kind of thing? â€Å"Hey, lady,† the whistler called to me. I rolled the passenger window down as if I couldn’t hear him. The man laid his paper aside, and his clothes surprised me, now that I could see them. Under his long ragged duster, he was a little too well dressed. There was no breeze to give me the scent, but the sheen on his dark red shirt looked like silk. His crinkly black hair was tangled and wild, but his dark skin was smooth and perfect, his teeth white and straight. A contradiction. â€Å"Maybe you shouldn’t park that car there, lady,† he said. â€Å"It might not be here when you get back.† â€Å"Thanks for the warning,† I said. I shut off the engine and got out. Perhaps my whistling friend could give me the answers I needed faster than breaking and entering. I opened my big gray umbrella – not that I cared, really, about protecting the long cashmere sweater-dress I wore. It was what a human would do. The man squinted through the rain at my face, and then his eyes widened. He swallowed, and I heard his heart accelerate as I approached. Tm looking for someone,† I began. â€Å"I’m someone,† he offered with a smile. â€Å"What can I do for you, beautiful?† â€Å"Are you J. Jenks?† I asked. â€Å"Oh,† he said, and his expression changed from anticipation to understanding. He got to his feet and examined me with narrowed eyes. â€Å"Why’re you looking for J?† â€Å"That’s my business.† Besides, I didn’t have a clue. â€Å"Are you J?† â€Å"No.† We faced each other for a long moment while his sharp eyes ran up and down the fitted pearl gray sheath I wore. His gaze finally made it to my face. â€Å"You don’t look like the usual customer.† â€Å"I’m probably not the usual,† I admitted. â€Å"But I do need to see him as soon as possible.† â€Å"I’m not sure what to do,† he admitted. â€Å"Why don’t you tell me your name?† He grinned. â€Å"Max.† â€Å"Nice to meet you, Max. Now, why don’t you tell me what you do for the usual?† His grin became a frown. â€Å"Well, J’s usual clients don’t look a thing like you. Your kind doesn’t bother with the downtown office. You just go straight up to his fancy office in the skyscraper.† I repeated the other address I had, making the list of numbers a question. â€Å"Yeah, that’s the place,† he said, suspicious again. â€Å"How come you didn’t go there?† â€Å"This was the address I was given – by a very dependable source.† â€Å"If you were up to any good, you wouldn’t be here.† I pursed my lips. I’d never been much good at bluffing, but Alice hadn’t left me a lot of alternatives. â€Å"Maybe I’m not up to any good.† Max’s face turned apologetic. â€Å"Look, lady – â€Å" â€Å"Bella.† â€Å"Right. Bella. See, I need this job. J pays me pretty good to mostly just hang out here all day. I want to help you, I do, but – and of course Tm speaking hypothetically, right? Or off the record, or whatever works for you – but if I pass somebody through that could get him in trouble, I’m out of work. Do you see my problem?† I thought for a minute, chewing on my lip. â€Å"You’ve never seen anyone like me here before? Well, sort of like me. My sister is a lot shorter than me, and she has dark spiky black hair.† â€Å"J knows your sister?† â€Å"I think so.† Max pondered this fora moment.I smiled at him, and his breathing stuttered.†Tell you what I’ll do.HI give Ja call and describe you to him. Let him make the decision.† What did J. Jenks know? Would my description mean something to him? That was a troubling thought. â€Å"My last name is Cullen,† I told Max, wondering if that was too much information. I was starting to get irritated with Alice. Did I really have to be quite this blind? She could have given me one or two more words†¦. â€Å"Cullen, got it.† I watched as he dialed, easily picking out the number. Well, I could call J. Jenks myself if this didn’t work. â€Å"HeyJ, it’s Max. I know I’m never supposed tocall you at this number except in an emergency___† Is there an emergency?1 heard faintly from the other end. â€Å"Well, notexactly. It’s this girl who wants to see you___† fail to see the emergency in that Why didn’t you follow normal procedure? â€Å"I didn’t follow normal procedure ’cause she don’t look like any kind of normal – â€Å" Is she a badge?! â€Å"No – â€Å" You can’t be sure about that. Does she look like one ofKubarev’s – ? â€Å"No – let me talk, okay? She says you know her sister or something.† Not likely. What does she look like? â€Å"She looks like . . .† His eyes ran from my face to my shoes appreciatively. â€Å"Well, she looks like a freaking supermodel, that’s what she looks like.† I smiled and he winked at me, then went on. â€Å"Rocking body, pale as a sheet, dark brown hair almost to her waist, needs a good night’s sleep – any of this soundingfamiliar?† No, it doesn’t I’m not happy that you let your weakness for pretty women interrupt – â€Å"Yeah,so I’ma sucker for the pretty ones, what’s wrong with that? I’m sorry I bothered you, man. Just forget it.† â€Å"Name,† I whispered. â€Å"Oh right. Wait,† Max said. â€Å"She says her name is Bella Cullen. That help?† There was a beat of dead silence, and then the voice on the other end was abruptly screaming, using a lot of words you didn’t often hear outside of truck stops. Max’s whole expression changed; all the joking vanished and his lips went pale. â€Å"Because you didn’t ask!† Max yelled back, panicked. There was another pause while J collected himself. Beautiful and pale?J asked, a tiny bit calmer. â€Å"I said that, didn’t I?† Beautiful and pale? What did this man know about vampires? Was he one of us himself? I wasn’t prepared for that kind of confrontation. I gritted my teeth. What had Alice gotten me into? Max waited for a minute through another volley of shouted insults and instructions and then glanced at me with eyes that were almost frightened. â€Å"But you only meet downtown clients on Thursdays – okay, okay! On it.’7He slid his phone shut. â€Å"He wants to see me?† I asked brightly. Max glowered. â€Å"You could have told me you were a priority client;7 â€Å"I didn’t know I was.† â€Å"I thought you might be a cop,† he admitted. â€Å"I mean, you don’t look like a cop. But you act kind of weird, beautiful.† I shrugged. â€Å"Drug cartel?† he guessed. â€Å"Who, me?† I asked. â€Å"Yeah. Or your boyfriend or whatever.† â€Å"Nope, sorry. I’m not really a fan of drugs, and neither is my husband. Just say no and all that.† Max cussed under his breath. â€Å"Married. Can’t catch a break.† I smiled. â€Å"Mafia?† â€Å"Nope.† â€Å"Diamondsmuggling?† â€Å"Please! Is that the kind of people you usually deal with, Max? Maybe you need a new job.† I had to admit, I was enjoying myself a little. I hadn’t interacted with humans much besides Charlie and Sue. It was entertaining to watch him flounder. I was also pleased at how easy it was not to kill him. â€Å"You’ve got to be involved in something big. And bad,† he mused. â€Å"It’s not really like that.† â€Å"That’s what they all say. But who else needs papers? Or can afford to pay J’s prices for them, I should say. None of my business, anyway,† he said, and then muttered the word married again. He gave me an entirely new address with basic directions, and then watched me drive away with suspicious, regretful eyes. At this point, I was ready for almost anything – some kind of James Bond villain’s high-tech lair seemed appropriate. So I thought Max must have given me the wrong address as a test. Or maybe the lair was subterranean, underneath this very commonplace strip mall nestled up against a wooded hill in a nice family neighborhood. I pulled into an open spot and looked up at a tastefully subtle sign that read JASON SCOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. The office inside was beige with celery green accents, inoffensive and unremarkable. There was no scent of vampire here, and that helped me relax. Nothing but unfamiliar human. A fish tank was set into the wall, and a blandly pretty blond receptionist sat behind the desk. â€Å"Hello,† she greeted me. â€Å"How can I help you?† â€Å"I’m here to see Mr. Scott.† â€Å"Do you have an appointment?† â€Å"Not exactly.† She smirked a little. â€Å"It could be a while, then. Why don’t you have a seat while I – â€Å" April!a man’s demanding voice squawked from the phone on her desk. I’m expecting a Ms. Cullen shortly. I smiled and pointed to myself. Send her in immediately. Do you understand? I don’t care what it’s interrupting. I could hear something else in his voice besides impatience. Stress. Nerves. â€Å"She’s just arrived,† April said as soon as she could speak. What? Send her in! What are you waiting for? â€Å"Right away, Mr. Scott!† She got to her feet, fluttering her hands as she led the way down a short hallway, offering me coffee or tea or anything else I might have wanted. â€Å"Here you are,† she said as she ushered me through the door into a power office, complete with heavy wooden desk and vanity wall. â€Å"Close the door behind you,† a raspy tenor voice ordered. I examined the man behind the desk while April made a hasty retreat. He was short and balding, probably around fifty-five, with a paunch. He wore a red silk tie with a blue-and-white-striped shirt, and his navy blazer hung over the back of his chair. He was also trembling, blanched to a sickly paste color, with sweat beading on his forehead; I imagined an ulcer churning away under the spare tire. J recovered himself and rose unsteadily from his chair. He reached his hand across the desk. â€Å"Ms. Cullen. What an absolute delight.† I crossed to him and shook his hand quickly once. He cringed slightly at my cold skin but did not seem particularly surprised by it. â€Å"Mr. Jenks. Or do you prefer Scott?† He winced again. â€Å"Whatever you wish, of course.† â€Å"How about you call me Bella, and HI call you J?† â€Å"Like old friends,† he agreed, mopping a silk handkerchief across his forehead. He gestured for me to have a seat and took his own. â€Å"I must ask, am I finally meeting Mr. Jasper’s lovely wife?† I weighed that for a second. So this man knew Jasper, not Alice. Knew him, and seemed afraid of him, too. â€Å"His sister-in-law, actually.† He pursed his lips, as if he were grasping for meanings just as desperately as I was. â€Å"I trust Mr. Jasper is in good health?† he asked carefully. â€Å"I’m sure he is in excellent health. He’s on an extended vacation at the moment.† This seemed to clear up some of J’s confusion. He nodded to himself and templed his fingers. â€Å"Just so. You should have come to the main office. My assistants there would have put you straight through to me – no need to go through less hospitable channels.† I just nodded. I wasn’t sure why Alice had given me the ghetto address. â€Å"Ah, well, you’re here now. What can I do for you?† Tapers,† I said, trying to make my voice sound like I knew what I was talking about. â€Å"Certainly,† J agreed at once. â€Å"Are we talking birth certificates, death certificates, drivers’ licenses, passports, social security cards†¦ ?† I took a deep breath and smiled. I owed Max big time. And then my smile faded. Alice had sent me here for a reason, and I was sure it was to protect Renesmee. Her last gift to me. The one thing she would know I needed. The only reason Renesmee would need a forger was if she was running. And the only reason Renesmee would be running was if we had lost. If Edward and I were running with her, she wouldn’t need these documents right away. I was sure IDs were something Edward knew how to get his hands on or make himself, and I was sure he knew ways to escape without them. We could run with her for thousands of miles. We could swim with her across an ocean. If we were around to save her. And all the secrecy to keep this out of Edward’s head. Because there was a good chance that everything he knew, Aro would know. If we lost, Aro would certainly get the information he craved before he destroyed Edward. It was as I had suspected. We couldn’t win. But we must have a good shot at killing Demetri before we lost, giving Renesmee the chance to run. My still heart felt like a boulder in my chest – a crushing weight. All my hope faded like fog in the sunshine. My eyes pricked. Who would I put this on? Charlie? But he was so defenselessly human. And how would I get Renesmee to him? He was not going to be anywhere close to that fight. So that left one person. There really had never been anyone else. I’d thought this through so quickly that J didn’t notice my pause. â€Å"Two birth certificates, two passports, one driver’s license,† I said in a low, strained tone. If he noticed the change in my expression, he pretended otherwise. â€Å"The names?† â€Å"Jacob†¦ Wolfe. And†¦ Vanessa Wolfe.† Nessie seemed like an okay nickname for Vanessa. Jacob would get a kick out of the Wolfe thing. His pen scratched swiftly across a legal pad. â€Å"Middle names?† â€Å"Just put something generic in.† â€Å"If you prefer. Ages?† â€Å"Twenty-seven for the man, five for the girl.† Jacob could pull it off. He was a beast. And at the rate Renesmee was growing, I’d better estimate high. He could be her stepfather†¦. â€Å"I’ll need pictures if you prefer finished documents,† J said, interrupting my thoughts. â€Å"Mr. Jasper usually liked to finish them himself.† Well, that explained why J didn’t know what Alice looked like. â€Å"Hold on,† I said. This was luck. I had several family pictures shoved in my wallet, and the perfect one – Jacob holding Renesmee on the front porch steps – was only a month old. Alice had given it to me just a few days before†¦ Oh. Maybe there wasn’t that much luck involved after all. Alice knew I had this picture. Maybe she’d even had some dim flash that I would need it before she gave it to me. â€Å"Here you go.† J examined the picture for a moment. â€Å"Your daughter is very like you.† I tensed. â€Å"She’s more like her father.† â€Å"Who is not this man.† He touched Jacob’s face. My eyes narrowed, and new sweat beads popped out on J’s shiny head. â€Å"No. That is a very close friend of the family.† â€Å"Forgive me,† he mumbled, and the pen began scratching again. â€Å"How soon will you need the documents?† â€Å"Can I get them in a week?† â€Å"That’s a rush order. It will cost twice as – but forgive me. I forgot with whom I was speaking.† Clearly, he knew Jasper. â€Å"Just give me a number.† He seemed hesitant to say it aloud, though I was sure, having dealt with Jasper, he must have known that price wasn’t really an object. Not even taking into consideration the bloated accounts that existed all over the world with the Cullens’ various names on them, there was enough cash stashed all over the house to keep a small country afloat for a decade; it reminded me of the way there were always a hundred fishhooks in the back of any drawer at Charlie’s house. I doubted anyone would even notice the small stack I’d removed in preparation for today. J wrote the price down on the bottom of the legal pad. I nodded calmly. I had more than that with me. I unclasped my bag again and counted out the right amount – I had it all paper-clipped into five-thousand-dollar increments, so it took no time at all. â€Å"There.† â€Å"Ah, Bella, you don’t really have to give me the entire sum now. It’s customary for you to save half to ensure delivery.† I smiled wanly at the nervous man. â€Å"But I trust you, J. Besides, I’ll give you a bonus – the same again when I get the documents.† â€Å"That’s not necessary, I assure you.† â€Å"Don’t worry about it.† It wasn’t like I could take it with me. â€Å"So HI meet you here next week at the same time?† He gave me a pained look. â€Å"Actually, I prefer to make such transactions in places unrelated to my various businesses.† â€Å"Of course. I’m sure I’m not doing this the way you expect.† â€Å"I’m used to having no expectations when it comes to the Cullen family.† He grimaced and then quickly composed his face again. â€Å"Shall we meet at eight o’clock a week from tonight at The Pacifico? It’s on Union Lake, and the food is exquisite.† â€Å"Perfect.† Not that I would be joining him for dinner. He actually wouldn’t like it much if I did. I rose and shook his hand again. This time he didn’t flinch. But he did seem to have some new worry on his mind. His mouth was pinched up, his back tense. â€Å"Will you have trouble with that deadline?† I asked. â€Å"What?† He looked up, taken off guard by my question. â€Å"The deadline? Oh, no. No worries at all. I will certainly have your documents done on time.† It would have been nice to have Edward here, so that I would know what J’s real worries were. I sighed. Keeping secrets from Edward was bad enough; having to be away from him was almost too much. â€Å"Then HI see you in one week.† How to cite The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 33. Forever, Essay examples

The Twilight Saga 4 Breaking Dawn 33. Forever Free Essays

â€Å"Charlie, we’ve still got that strictly need-to-know company situation going. I know it’s been more than a week since you saw Renesmee, but a visit is just not a good idea right now. How about I bring Renesmee over to see you?† Charlie was quiet for so long that I wondered if he heard the strain beneath my fagade. We will write a custom essay sample on The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 33. Forever or any similar topic only for you Order Now But then he muttered, â€Å"Need to know, ugh† and I realized it was just his wariness of the supernatural that made him slow to respond. â€Å"Okay, kid,† Charlie said. â€Å"Can you bring her over this morning? Sue’s bringing me lunch. She’s just as horrified by my cooking as you were when you first showed up.† Charlie laughed and then sighed for the old days. â€Å"This morning will be perfect.† The sooner the better. I’d already put this off too long. â€Å"Is Jake coming with you guys?† Though Charlie didn’t know anything about werewolf imprinting, no one could be oblivious to the attachment between Jacob and Renesmee. â€Å"Probably.† There was no way Jacob would voluntarily miss an afternoon with Renesmee sans bloodsuckers. â€Å"Maybe I should invite Billy, too,† Charlie mused. â€Å"But†¦ hmm. Maybe another time.† I was only half paying attention to Charlie – enough to notice the strange reluctance in his voice when he spoke of Billy, but not enough to worry what that was about. Charlie and Billy were grown-ups; if there was something going on between them, they could figure it out for themselves. I had too many more important things to obsess over. â€Å"See you in a few,† I told him, and hung up. This trip was about more than protecting my father from the twenty-seven oddly matched vampires – who all had sworn not to kill anyone in a three-hundred-mile radius, but still†¦ Obviously, no human being should get anywhere near this group. This was the excuse I’d given Edward: I was taking Renesmee to Charlie so that he wouldn’t decide to come here. It was a good reason for leaving the house, but not my real reason at all. â€Å"Why can’t we take your Ferrari?† Jacob complained when he met me in the garage. I was already in Edward’s Volvo with Renesmee. Edward had gotten around to revealing my after car; as he’d suspected, I had not been capable of showing the appropriate enthusiasm. Sure, it was pretty and fast, but I liked to run. â€Å"Too conspicuous,† I answered. â€Å"We could go on foot, but that would freak Charlie out.† Jacob grumbled but got into the front seat. Renesmee climbed from my lap to his. â€Å"How are you?† I asked him as I pulled out of the garage. â€Å"How do you think?† Jacob asked bitingly. â€Å"I’m sick of all these reeking bloodsuckers.† He saw my expression and spoke before I could answer. â€Å"Yeah, I know, I know. They’re the good guys, they’re here to help, they’re going to save us all. Etcetera, etcetera. Say what you want, I still think Dracula One and Dracula Two are creep-tacular.† I had to smile. The Romanians weren’t my favorite guests, either. â€Å"I don’t disagree with you there.† Renesmee shook her head but said nothing; unlike the rest of us, she found the Romanians strangely fascinating. She’d made the effort to speak to them aloud since they would not let her touch them. Her question was about their unusual skin and, though I was afraid they might be offended, I was kind of glad she’d asked. I was curious, too. They hadn’t seemed upset by her interest. Maybe a little rueful. â€Å"We sat still for a very long time, child,† Vladimir had answered, with Stefan nodding along but not continuing Vladimir’s sentences as he often did. â€Å"Contemplating our own divinity. It was a sign of our power that everything came to us. Prey, diplomats, those seeking our favor. We sat on our thrones and thought ourselves gods. We didn’t notice for a long time that we were changing – almost petrifying. I suppose the Volturi did us one favor when they burned our castles. Stefan and I, at least, did not continue to petrify. Now the Volturi’s eyes are filmed with dusty scum, but ours are bright. I imagine that will give us an advantage when we gouge theirs from their sockets.† I tried to keep Renesmee away from them after that. â€Å"How long do we get to hang out with Charlie?† Jacob asked, interrupting my thoughts. He was visibly relaxing as we pulled away from the house and all its new inmates. It made me happy that I didn’t really count as a vampire to him. I was still just Bella. â€Å"For quite a while, actually.† The tone of my voice caught his attention. â€Å"Is something going on here besides visiting your dad?† â€Å"Jake, you know how you’re pretty good at controlling your thoughts around Edward?† He raised one thick black brow. â€Å"Yeah?† I just nodded, cutting my eyes to Renesmee. She was looking out the window, and I couldn’t tell how interested she was in our conversation, but I decided not to risk going any further. Jacob waited for me to add something else, and then his lower lip pushed out while he thought about what little I’d said. As we drove in silence, I squinted through the annoying contacts into the cold rain; it wasn’t quite cold enough for snow. My eyes were not as ghoulish as they had been in the beginning – definitely closer to a dull reddish orange than to bright crimson. Soon they’d be amber enough for me to quit the contacts, i hoped the change wouldn’t upset Charlie too much. Jacob was still chewing over our truncated conversation when we got to Charlie’s. We didn’t talk as we walked at a quick human pace through the falling rain. My dad was waiting for us; he had the door open before I could knock. â€Å"Hey, guys! It seems like it’s been years! Look at you, Nessie! Come to Grampa! I swear you’ve grown half a foot. And you look skinny, Ness.† He glared at me. â€Å"Aren’t they feeding you up there?† â€Å"It’s just the growth spurt,† I muttered. â€Å"Hey, Sue,† I called over his shoulder. The smell of chicken, tomato, garlic, and cheese issued from the kitchen; it probably smelled good to everyone else. I could also smell fresh pine and packing dust. Renesmee flashed her dimples. She never spoke in front of Charlie. â€Å"Well, come on in out of the cold, kids. Where’s my son-in-law?† â€Å"Entertaining friends,† Jacob said, and then snorted. â€Å"You’re so lucky you’re out of the loop, Charlie. That’s all I’m going to say.† I punched Jacob lightly in the kidney while Charlie cringed. â€Å"Ow,† Jacob complained under his breath; well, I’d thought I’d punched lightly. â€Å"Actually, Charlie, I have some errands to run.† Jacob shot a glance at me but said nothing. â€Å"Behind on your Christmas shopping, Bells? You only have a few days, you know.† â€Å"Yeah, Christmas shopping,† I said lamely. That explained the packing dust. Charlie must have put the old decorations up. â€Å"Don’t worry, Nessie,† he whispered in her ear. â€Å"I got you covered if your mom drops the ball.† I rolled my eyes at him, but in truth, I hadn’t thought about the holidays at all. â€Å"Lunch’s on the table,† Sue called from the kitchen. â€Å"C’mon, guys.† â€Å"See you later, Dad,† I said, and exchanged a quick look with Jacob. Even if he couldn’t help but think about this near Edward, at least there wasn’t much for him to share. He had no idea what I was up to. Of course, I thought to myself as I got into the car, it wasn’t like I had much idea, either. The roads were slick and dark, but driving didn’t intimidate me anymore. My reflexes were well up to the job, and I barely paid attention to the road. The problem was keeping my speed from attracting attention when I had company. I wanted to be done with today’s mission, to have the mystery sorted out so that I could get back to the vital task of learning. Learning to protect some, learning to kill others. I was getting better and better with my shield. Kate didn’t feel the need to motivate me anymore – it wasn’t hard to find reasons to feel angry, now that I knew that was the key – and so I mostly worked with Zafrina. She was pleased with my extension; I was able to cover almost a ten-foot area for more than a minute, though it exhausted me. This morning she’d been trying to find out if I could push the shield away from my mind altogether. I didn’t see what the use of that would be, but Zafrina thought it would help strengthen me, like exercising muscles in the stomach and back rather than just the arms. Eventually, you could lift more weight when all the muscles were stronger. I wasn’t very good at it. I had only gotten one glimpse of the jungle river she was trying to show me. But there were different ways to prepare for what was coming, and with only two weeks left, I worried that I might be neglecting the most important. Today I would rectify that oversight. I’d memorized the appropriate maps, and I had no problem finding my way to the address that didn’t exist online, the one for J. Jenks. My next step would be Jason Jenks at the other address, the one Alice had not given me. To say that it wasn’t a nice neighborhood would be an understatement. The most nondescript of all the Cullens’ cars was still outrageous on this street. My old Chevy would have looked healthy here. During my human years, I would have locked the doors and driven away as fast as I dared. As it was, I was a little fascinated. I tried to imagine Alice in this place for any reason, and failed. The buildings – all three stories, all narrow, all leaning slightly as if bowed by the pounding rain – were mostly old houses divided up into multiple apartments. It was hard to tell what color the peeling paint was supposed to be. Everything had faded to shades of gray. A few of the buildings had businesses on the first floor: a dirty bar with the windows painted black, a psychic’s supply store with neon hands and tarot cards glowing fitfully on the door, a tattoo parlor, and a daycare with duct tape holding the broken front window together. There were no lamps on inside any of the rooms, though it was grim enough outside that the humans should have needed the light. I could hear the low mumbling of voices in the distance; it sounded like TV. There were a few people about, two shuffling through the rain in opposite directions and one sitting on the shallow porch of a boarded-up cut-rate law office, reading a wet newspaper and whistling. The sound was much too cheerful for the setting. I was so bemused by the carefree whistler, I didn’t realize at first that the abandoned building was right where the address I was looking for should exist. There were no numbers on the dilapidated place, but the tattoo parlor beside it was just two numbers off. I pulled up to the curb and idled for a second. I was getting into that dump one way or another, but how to do so without the whistler noticing me? I could park the next street over and come through the back†¦. There might be more witnesses on that side. Maybe the rooftops? Was it dark enough for that kind of thing? â€Å"Hey, lady,† the whistler called to me. I rolled the passenger window down as if I couldn’t hear him. The man laid his paper aside, and his clothes surprised me, now that I could see them. Under his long ragged duster, he was a little too well dressed. There was no breeze to give me the scent, but the sheen on his dark red shirt looked like silk. His crinkly black hair was tangled and wild, but his dark skin was smooth and perfect, his teeth white and straight. A contradiction. â€Å"Maybe you shouldn’t park that car there, lady,† he said. â€Å"It might not be here when you get back.† â€Å"Thanks for the warning,† I said. I shut off the engine and got out. Perhaps my whistling friend could give me the answers I needed faster than breaking and entering. I opened my big gray umbrella – not that I cared, really, about protecting the long cashmere sweater-dress I wore. It was what a human would do. The man squinted through the rain at my face, and then his eyes widened. He swallowed, and I heard his heart accelerate as I approached. Tm looking for someone,† I began. â€Å"I’m someone,† he offered with a smile. â€Å"What can I do for you, beautiful?† â€Å"Are you J. Jenks?† I asked. â€Å"Oh,† he said, and his expression changed from anticipation to understanding. He got to his feet and examined me with narrowed eyes. â€Å"Why’re you looking for J?† â€Å"That’s my business.† Besides, I didn’t have a clue. â€Å"Are you J?† â€Å"No.† We faced each other for a long moment while his sharp eyes ran up and down the fitted pearl gray sheath I wore. His gaze finally made it to my face. â€Å"You don’t look like the usual customer.† â€Å"I’m probably not the usual,† I admitted. â€Å"But I do need to see him as soon as possible.† â€Å"I’m not sure what to do,† he admitted. â€Å"Why don’t you tell me your name?† He grinned. â€Å"Max.† â€Å"Nice to meet you, Max. Now, why don’t you tell me what you do for the usual?† His grin became a frown. â€Å"Well, J’s usual clients don’t look a thing like you. Your kind doesn’t bother with the downtown office. You just go straight up to his fancy office in the skyscraper.† I repeated the other address I had, making the list of numbers a question. â€Å"Yeah, that’s the place,† he said, suspicious again. â€Å"How come you didn’t go there?† â€Å"This was the address I was given – by a very dependable source.† â€Å"If you were up to any good, you wouldn’t be here.† I pursed my lips. I’d never been much good at bluffing, but Alice hadn’t left me a lot of alternatives. â€Å"Maybe I’m not up to any good.† Max’s face turned apologetic. â€Å"Look, lady – â€Å" â€Å"Bella.† â€Å"Right. Bella. See, I need this job. J pays me pretty good to mostly just hang out here all day. I want to help you, I do, but – and of course Tm speaking hypothetically, right? Or off the record, or whatever works for you – but if I pass somebody through that could get him in trouble, I’m out of work. Do you see my problem?† I thought for a minute, chewing on my lip. â€Å"You’ve never seen anyone like me here before? Well, sort of like me. My sister is a lot shorter than me, and she has dark spiky black hair.† â€Å"J knows your sister?† â€Å"I think so.† Max pondered this fora moment.I smiled at him, and his breathing stuttered.†Tell you what I’ll do.HI give Ja call and describe you to him. Let him make the decision.† What did J. Jenks know? Would my description mean something to him? That was a troubling thought. â€Å"My last name is Cullen,† I told Max, wondering if that was too much information. I was starting to get irritated with Alice. Did I really have to be quite this blind? She could have given me one or two more words†¦. â€Å"Cullen, got it.† I watched as he dialed, easily picking out the number. Well, I could call J. Jenks myself if this didn’t work. â€Å"HeyJ, it’s Max. I know I’m never supposed tocall you at this number except in an emergency___† Is there an emergency?1 heard faintly from the other end. â€Å"Well, notexactly. It’s this girl who wants to see you___† fail to see the emergency in that Why didn’t you follow normal procedure? â€Å"I didn’t follow normal procedure ’cause she don’t look like any kind of normal – â€Å" Is she a badge?! â€Å"No – â€Å" You can’t be sure about that. Does she look like one ofKubarev’s – ? â€Å"No – let me talk, okay? She says you know her sister or something.† Not likely. What does she look like? â€Å"She looks like . . .† His eyes ran from my face to my shoes appreciatively. â€Å"Well, she looks like a freaking supermodel, that’s what she looks like.† I smiled and he winked at me, then went on. â€Å"Rocking body, pale as a sheet, dark brown hair almost to her waist, needs a good night’s sleep – any of this soundingfamiliar?† No, it doesn’t I’m not happy that you let your weakness for pretty women interrupt – â€Å"Yeah,so I’ma sucker for the pretty ones, what’s wrong with that? I’m sorry I bothered you, man. Just forget it.† â€Å"Name,† I whispered. â€Å"Oh right. Wait,† Max said. â€Å"She says her name is Bella Cullen. That help?† There was a beat of dead silence, and then the voice on the other end was abruptly screaming, using a lot of words you didn’t often hear outside of truck stops. Max’s whole expression changed; all the joking vanished and his lips went pale. â€Å"Because you didn’t ask!† Max yelled back, panicked. There was another pause while J collected himself. Beautiful and pale?J asked, a tiny bit calmer. â€Å"I said that, didn’t I?† Beautiful and pale? What did this man know about vampires? Was he one of us himself? I wasn’t prepared for that kind of confrontation. I gritted my teeth. What had Alice gotten me into? Max waited for a minute through another volley of shouted insults and instructions and then glanced at me with eyes that were almost frightened. â€Å"But you only meet downtown clients on Thursdays – okay, okay! On it.’7He slid his phone shut. â€Å"He wants to see me?† I asked brightly. Max glowered. â€Å"You could have told me you were a priority client;7 â€Å"I didn’t know I was.† â€Å"I thought you might be a cop,† he admitted. â€Å"I mean, you don’t look like a cop. But you act kind of weird, beautiful.† I shrugged. â€Å"Drug cartel?† he guessed. â€Å"Who, me?† I asked. â€Å"Yeah. Or your boyfriend or whatever.† â€Å"Nope, sorry. I’m not really a fan of drugs, and neither is my husband. Just say no and all that.† Max cussed under his breath. â€Å"Married. Can’t catch a break.† I smiled. â€Å"Mafia?† â€Å"Nope.† â€Å"Diamondsmuggling?† â€Å"Please! Is that the kind of people you usually deal with, Max? Maybe you need a new job.† I had to admit, I was enjoying myself a little. I hadn’t interacted with humans much besides Charlie and Sue. It was entertaining to watch him flounder. I was also pleased at how easy it was not to kill him. â€Å"You’ve got to be involved in something big. And bad,† he mused. â€Å"It’s not really like that.† â€Å"That’s what they all say. But who else needs papers? Or can afford to pay J’s prices for them, I should say. None of my business, anyway,† he said, and then muttered the word married again. He gave me an entirely new address with basic directions, and then watched me drive away with suspicious, regretful eyes. At this point, I was ready for almost anything – some kind of James Bond villain’s high-tech lair seemed appropriate. So I thought Max must have given me the wrong address as a test. Or maybe the lair was subterranean, underneath this very commonplace strip mall nestled up against a wooded hill in a nice family neighborhood. I pulled into an open spot and looked up at a tastefully subtle sign that read JASON SCOTT, ATTORNEY AT LAW. The office inside was beige with celery green accents, inoffensive and unremarkable. There was no scent of vampire here, and that helped me relax. Nothing but unfamiliar human. A fish tank was set into the wall, and a blandly pretty blond receptionist sat behind the desk. â€Å"Hello,† she greeted me. â€Å"How can I help you?† â€Å"I’m here to see Mr. Scott.† â€Å"Do you have an appointment?† â€Å"Not exactly.† She smirked a little. â€Å"It could be a while, then. Why don’t you have a seat while I – â€Å" April!a man’s demanding voice squawked from the phone on her desk. I’m expecting a Ms. Cullen shortly. I smiled and pointed to myself. Send her in immediately. Do you understand? I don’t care what it’s interrupting. I could hear something else in his voice besides impatience. Stress. Nerves. â€Å"She’s just arrived,† April said as soon as she could speak. What? Send her in! What are you waiting for? â€Å"Right away, Mr. Scott!† She got to her feet, fluttering her hands as she led the way down a short hallway, offering me coffee or tea or anything else I might have wanted. â€Å"Here you are,† she said as she ushered me through the door into a power office, complete with heavy wooden desk and vanity wall. â€Å"Close the door behind you,† a raspy tenor voice ordered. I examined the man behind the desk while April made a hasty retreat. He was short and balding, probably around fifty-five, with a paunch. He wore a red silk tie with a blue-and-white-striped shirt, and his navy blazer hung over the back of his chair. He was also trembling, blanched to a sickly paste color, with sweat beading on his forehead; I imagined an ulcer churning away under the spare tire. J recovered himself and rose unsteadily from his chair. He reached his hand across the desk. â€Å"Ms. Cullen. What an absolute delight.† I crossed to him and shook his hand quickly once. He cringed slightly at my cold skin but did not seem particularly surprised by it. â€Å"Mr. Jenks. Or do you prefer Scott?† He winced again. â€Å"Whatever you wish, of course.† â€Å"How about you call me Bella, and HI call you J?† â€Å"Like old friends,† he agreed, mopping a silk handkerchief across his forehead. He gestured for me to have a seat and took his own. â€Å"I must ask, am I finally meeting Mr. Jasper’s lovely wife?† I weighed that for a second. So this man knew Jasper, not Alice. Knew him, and seemed afraid of him, too. â€Å"His sister-in-law, actually.† He pursed his lips, as if he were grasping for meanings just as desperately as I was. â€Å"I trust Mr. Jasper is in good health?† he asked carefully. â€Å"I’m sure he is in excellent health. He’s on an extended vacation at the moment.† This seemed to clear up some of J’s confusion. He nodded to himself and templed his fingers. â€Å"Just so. You should have come to the main office. My assistants there would have put you straight through to me – no need to go through less hospitable channels.† I just nodded. I wasn’t sure why Alice had given me the ghetto address. â€Å"Ah, well, you’re here now. What can I do for you?† Tapers,† I said, trying to make my voice sound like I knew what I was talking about. â€Å"Certainly,† J agreed at once. â€Å"Are we talking birth certificates, death certificates, drivers’ licenses, passports, social security cards†¦ ?† I took a deep breath and smiled. I owed Max big time. And then my smile faded. Alice had sent me here for a reason, and I was sure it was to protect Renesmee. Her last gift to me. The one thing she would know I needed. The only reason Renesmee would need a forger was if she was running. And the only reason Renesmee would be running was if we had lost. If Edward and I were running with her, she wouldn’t need these documents right away. I was sure IDs were something Edward knew how to get his hands on or make himself, and I was sure he knew ways to escape without them. We could run with her for thousands of miles. We could swim with her across an ocean. If we were around to save her. And all the secrecy to keep this out of Edward’s head. Because there was a good chance that everything he knew, Aro would know. If we lost, Aro would certainly get the information he craved before he destroyed Edward. It was as I had suspected. We couldn’t win. But we must have a good shot at killing Demetri before we lost, giving Renesmee the chance to run. My still heart felt like a boulder in my chest – a crushing weight. All my hope faded like fog in the sunshine. My eyes pricked. Who would I put this on? Charlie? But he was so defenselessly human. And how would I get Renesmee to him? He was not going to be anywhere close to that fight. So that left one person. There really had never been anyone else. I’d thought this through so quickly that J didn’t notice my pause. â€Å"Two birth certificates, two passports, one driver’s license,† I said in a low, strained tone. If he noticed the change in my expression, he pretended otherwise. â€Å"The names?† â€Å"Jacob†¦ Wolfe. And†¦ Vanessa Wolfe.† Nessie seemed like an okay nickname for Vanessa. Jacob would get a kick out of the Wolfe thing. His pen scratched swiftly across a legal pad. â€Å"Middle names?† â€Å"Just put something generic in.† â€Å"If you prefer. Ages?† â€Å"Twenty-seven for the man, five for the girl.† Jacob could pull it off. He was a beast. And at the rate Renesmee was growing, I’d better estimate high. He could be her stepfather†¦. â€Å"I’ll need pictures if you prefer finished documents,† J said, interrupting my thoughts. â€Å"Mr. Jasper usually liked to finish them himself.† Well, that explained why J didn’t know what Alice looked like. â€Å"Hold on,† I said. This was luck. I had several family pictures shoved in my wallet, and the perfect one – Jacob holding Renesmee on the front porch steps – was only a month old. Alice had given it to me just a few days before†¦ Oh. Maybe there wasn’t that much luck involved after all. Alice knew I had this picture. Maybe she’d even had some dim flash that I would need it before she gave it to me. â€Å"Here you go.† J examined the picture for a moment. â€Å"Your daughter is very like you.† I tensed. â€Å"She’s more like her father.† â€Å"Who is not this man.† He touched Jacob’s face. My eyes narrowed, and new sweat beads popped out on J’s shiny head. â€Å"No. That is a very close friend of the family.† â€Å"Forgive me,† he mumbled, and the pen began scratching again. â€Å"How soon will you need the documents?† â€Å"Can I get them in a week?† â€Å"That’s a rush order. It will cost twice as – but forgive me. I forgot with whom I was speaking.† Clearly, he knew Jasper. â€Å"Just give me a number.† He seemed hesitant to say it aloud, though I was sure, having dealt with Jasper, he must have known that price wasn’t really an object. Not even taking into consideration the bloated accounts that existed all over the world with the Cullens’ various names on them, there was enough cash stashed all over the house to keep a small country afloat for a decade; it reminded me of the way there were always a hundred fishhooks in the back of any drawer at Charlie’s house. I doubted anyone would even notice the small stack I’d removed in preparation for today. J wrote the price down on the bottom of the legal pad. I nodded calmly. I had more than that with me. I unclasped my bag again and counted out the right amount – I had it all paper-clipped into five-thousand-dollar increments, so it took no time at all. â€Å"There.† â€Å"Ah, Bella, you don’t really have to give me the entire sum now. It’s customary for you to save half to ensure delivery.† I smiled wanly at the nervous man. â€Å"But I trust you, J. Besides, I’ll give you a bonus – the same again when I get the documents.† â€Å"That’s not necessary, I assure you.† â€Å"Don’t worry about it.† It wasn’t like I could take it with me. â€Å"So HI meet you here next week at the same time?† He gave me a pained look. â€Å"Actually, I prefer to make such transactions in places unrelated to my various businesses.† â€Å"Of course. I’m sure I’m not doing this the way you expect.† â€Å"I’m used to having no expectations when it comes to the Cullen family.† He grimaced and then quickly composed his face again. â€Å"Shall we meet at eight o’clock a week from tonight at The Pacifico? It’s on Union Lake, and the food is exquisite.† â€Å"Perfect.† Not that I would be joining him for dinner. He actually wouldn’t like it much if I did. I rose and shook his hand again. This time he didn’t flinch. But he did seem to have some new worry on his mind. His mouth was pinched up, his back tense. â€Å"Will you have trouble with that deadline?† I asked. â€Å"What?† He looked up, taken off guard by my question. â€Å"The deadline? Oh, no. No worries at all. I will certainly have your documents done on time.† It would have been nice to have Edward here, so that I would know what J’s real worries were. I sighed. Keeping secrets from Edward was bad enough; having to be away from him was almost too much. â€Å"Then HI see you in one week.† How to cite The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 33. Forever, Essay examples

Benefits Under The Section Taxation Rulings-Myassignmenthelp.COm

Question: Discuss About The Benefits Under The Section Taxation Rulings? Answer: Introducation According to Australian Taxation Tax, it is noted that Fringe Benefit Tax is the tax that is paid by the employers for paying benefits as it is offered to the employees (Grange, Jover-Ledesma and Maydew 2014). It takes into account family of the employees as well as other associates that are linked together. The benefits that are paid as additional can be treated as part of wages or salaries of the employees. For example, the benefits that are taken by the directors from the income tax as well as FBT need to be calculated as taxable value as provided by Fringe benefit tax (Krever 2013). At the time of preparing Fringe benefit tax return for the year ended 2016/2017 year, an individual can continue to use lists of eligible as well as ineligible vehicles or the principle-based approach or methods. In addition, the eligible as well as ineligible vehicle lists can be removed after 2017 (Grange, Jover-Ledesma and Maydew 2014). To that, the product mentioned are structured for offsetting the rate of interest that is maintained by the clients. The above table explains the calculation of loan fringe benefits under the section Taxation Rulings TR 93/6. In this section, it explains how business plans for their loan offset that in actual is known as interest offset accord. It is further concluded by saying that paying any sum of income legal responsibility is taken into considered when Brian is unrestricted from paying interest by the bank (Krever 2015). It is important to understand person who are liable to pay for fringe benefit tax (Grange, Jover-Ledesma and Maydew 2014). This is where any person or employer offers any of the fringe benefits to his employee or the associate of the employee that aligns with status of employment as paid for fringe benefit tax. Furthermore, the employee for which the employer is needed to pay fringe benefit tax can be done for past, present or for future employee. The imposition of fringe benefit tax is mainly proposed to tax companies on situation provided to their employees as mentioned in the budget among the corporate and tax circles (Morgan, Mortimer and Pinto 2013). The fringe benefit provided by an employer to his employees in addition to cash salary or wages payments considered as fringe benefit tax (Coleman and Sadiq 2013). Applications In addition, the rulings highlight evaluating regarding the taxable position of co-owners of those who are not responsible to carry out their values within actions. From the given situation, it is noted that Jack and Jill need to evaluate their taxable position of the rental property. In addition, the loss of profits gained from the leasing possessions in actual need to be managed through co-ownership of rental property and deal out business proceeds and losses. Thus, the co-owners of the leasing possessions named as Jack and Jill will be investment the property as joint ventures and this act as an ordinary issue in the given case state of affairs (Sadiq et al. 2014). As far as Taxation ruling of TR 93/32 is concerned, it highlights the fact when acceptability for the purpose of income tax can be treated as net income profit or loss. Here, Jack gets a share of 10% and Jill will get 90% of the total profit gained (Grange, Jover-Ledesma and Maydew 2014). In that case, if Jack and Jill both sell property when the cost base as well as reduced cost needs to be taken into addressed with gains or losses in alignment of interest ownership for specific property The provided case is in accordance with the law named as IRC v Duke Westminster (1936) that is shown in specific event for the purpose of avoiding tax. In this case, one gardener was employed by the dyke who actually paid from the post-tax income of Duke (Morgan, Mortimer and Pinto 2013). Furthermore, it is noted that the tax purpose is chargeable when he stopped paying the gardener irrespective of paying for the same amount of money. The present case deals with taxation ruling that enables Duke for claiming deduction from his taxable income as it get reduced with the income tax liability. As far as present case is concerned, each person is entitled for planning the tax avoidance based on the current requirement or preference where no person can be forced to pay higher amount of tax. This present case study has proper relevance from Australia where it is clearly mentioned that each of the individual has the right to select their own transaction where taxpayer achieves the advantage o f given asset as a matter of fact (Novikov, Ling and Kordzakhia 2014). The person will be able to select or choose the option of the transaction as it will subject to tax or subject that is deducted tax as compared to others. The case law states the fact about principles where every person or individual should be permitted to understand the tax affairs and laws properly to avoid further confusion. The cases explained reveals the fact that courts have looked over the overall impact and made the decisions accordingly (Schreiber 2013). As far as present case is concerned, the transaction has to be pre-arranged artificially as well as not served properly for commercial activities. The cases explained reveals the fact that courts have looked over the overall impact and made the decisions accordingly. As far as present case is concerned, the transaction has to be pre-arranged artificially as well as not served properly for commercial activities (Davis et al. 2015). In the current complex state of affairs, it is noted that the standard within Australia depicts the fact that if an individual start achieving success for making the results secured, then the Inland Revenue might be current as a proposal as they cannot force anyone for paying any increased amount of tax (Woellner 2013). The provided case on Bill relates to taxable income as it is explained by the taxpayer as Bill is the Primary Producer as under Section 6 (1) of the ITAA 1997. As far as current situation is concerned, it is noted that Bill owns a large piece of land where there are several pine trees (Woellner 2013). In addition, Bill principally aims at using the land for grazing sheep as well as wanted to have it cleared. To that, it is noted that the logging company had grabbed from his piece of land. These aspects mainly explain assessable income whether the taxpayers gets indulged with the activities of forestry industry. To that, the forest operations take into account felling of trees in a forest or plantation where the taxpayers show no interest about the planted trees (Douglas et al. 2014). Under Taxation Ruling TR 95/6 that explain about Income tax dealing with primary production as well as forestry that highlights different deductions that are made available to the primary producers that is engaged at the time of conducting forest operations or activities (Coleman and Sadiq 2013). In addition, the deductibility of these expenses cannot be altered by simple fact that an individual derive income from carbon sequestration activities as it is carried on in conjunction and aligns according to forestry activities or operations (Petty et al. 2015). Here, it is important to consider the fact that general deduction is not allowed for cost of planting trees when the individual purpose is participating in carbon sequestration activities as well as those trees as it is not intended to be felled in a business of forestry. In addition, it is because of the cost for planting in these conditions and is known as capital expenditure. Capital expenditure for planting trees can be percei ved as other income tax treatment that majorly depends upon the context in which expenditure is incurred when the trees are treated as horticultural plants (Coleman and Sadiq 2013). The trees that are used for sale of products or parts and the cost for establishment are mainly written off after referring to the effective life of the plant. Hence, trees that are used solely for carbon credit arrangements are mainly not cultivated for any of the products or parts as it does not constitute horticultural pants for the purpose of applying the horticultural plant deduction as shown in the section (Taylor and Richardson 2013). As per the case, the concerned sale combines either completely or partial assets of the business (Ross, Walker and Walker 2017). In that case, McCauley v The Federal Commissioner of Taxation payments mainly obtains from the grantor under the right of performing the operations in correct way. From the given case study, it is noted that Bill is treated as a basic producer because he gets engaged into the process of primary production in accordance to subsection 6 (1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Coleman and Sadiq 2013). To that, the forest operations take into account felling of trees in a forest or plantation where the taxpayers show no interest about the planted trees. In that case, McCauley v The Federal Commissioner of Taxation payments mainly obtains from the grantor under the right of performing the operations in correct way (Woellner et al. 2014). It is concluded that the outcomes from the cases shows that first case is received from the amount of Bill that will be taxable under income tax. As far as second case is concerned, the amount of Bill received by him will be treated as royalty. References Australian Taxation Law Cases 2014. 2014. Pyrmont, NSW: Thomson Reuters. Coleman, C. and Sadiq, K. 2013.Principles of taxation law 2013. Davis, A.K., Guenther, D.A., Krull, L.K. and Williams, B.M., 2015. operations responsible firms pay more taxes?.The Accounting Review,91(1), pp.47-68. Douglas, H., Bartlett, F., Luker, T. and Hunter, R. eds., 2014.Australian feminist judgments: Righting and rewriting law. Bloomsbury Publishing. Grange, J., Jover-Ledesma, G. and Maydew, G. 2014.2014 principles of business taxation. Kenny, P. 2013.Australian tax 2013. 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