Thursday, March 19, 2020

Reasons for Mexican Revolution essays

Reasons for Mexican Revolution essays There are many sociopolitical reasons why political conflicts lead to revolution marked by violence and death. Ultimately, political systems that do not allow constructive dialog, and a loyal opposition breed discontent amongst the masses, causing mayhem and revolution. During the mid to late 1800's, Mexico was under colonial rule. The country had been invaded by several foreign powers. This came to an end when a General by the name of Porfidion Diaz first tried to overthrow President Benito Juarez in 1872 but was unsuccessful; then again, rebelled against President Lerdo de Tejada in 1876 and won. Don Porfirio, as he was called, became the president and governed for more than 30 years (1876-1911). Under his rule, Mexico had political stability and grew in many areas, creating new industries, railroads, miles of railroad tracks as well as the increase of foreign capital. Nonetheless, this progress was not translated into the peoples well being. Soon there was political unrest. The unhappiest sectors of the Mexican society were the peasants and labor workers. To defend these two popular sectors, Ricardo Flores Magn founded the Mexican Liberal Party. Flores Magn was persecuted by the Porfirist regime, and eventually died in an American prison. In 1906 the army brutally repressed a strike of miners in the Cananea mine in Sonora. As you can see, DÃ ­az did every thing in his power to crush any uprisings. The Cananea massacre is historically considered the spark that finally ignited Mexicos Revolution. This led the downfall of General Porfirio DÃ ­az. Although, he promised free elections, he ultimately reneged and incarcerated his opposition Francisco Madero. Eventually, he was overthrown in 1911 and Madero became the president. Unfortunately peace did not come to this country for a while. Several Revolutionary leaders couldnt settle their differences. Madero wanted to work ste...

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