Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Trip Report :: essays research papers

Trip Report Summary This assignment was designed to get the views of athletes toward how the athletic budget is spent and what type of activities that they do. In this case the intended audience was current athletes at Washington State University. Athletes competing in different sports were surveyed. This survey was conducted February 17-20. My target audience was the actual audience that I surveyed. The majority of my surveying was conducted outside of the varsity weightroom. Assesment I felt that I got reliable info on the majority of the questions. My goal, as stated above, was to get the view of athletes on what they thought of their budget, and how they spend their free time. I believe that the questions represented what it was I was trying to get. The information that I received will be helpful to my group in that we can assess the athletic budget to see if there is excess spending that can be used by the students. The questions can be delegated to three different groups, as follows: Budget and Spending 1. I am aware of how tuition is dispersed throughout the University.  Twenty-five of the thirty people surveyed (83%) said no, that they do not know how it is dispersed. 2. Yes or no; my tuition is paid by an athletic scholarship.  Twenty-two of the thirty surveyed (73%) said yes, their tuition is paid for. 3. True or False, I spend all of the meal money allotted to me on the trips.  Seventeen of the thirty surveyed (57%) said true, they spend all of the meal money. 4. How would you rate the hotels that you stay in during your trips, one being excellent and four being poor.  Sixteen of the thirty surveyed (53%) circled four, saying that the hotels are excellent, four of the thirty (13%) said that the hotels were poor. Facilities and Equipment 1. On a scale of one to five with one being that highest, how would you rate the varsity gym?  Twenty-three of the thirty surveyed (77%) gave the varsity gym the highest rating; not one person gave the gym a rating of four or five. 2. How often must you wait around to use the equipment in the varsity gym?  Twenty-three of the thirty people surveyed (77%) selected never while only seven said that they sometimes had to wait. 3. How would you rate the student gym?  Fifteen of the thirty (50%) gave the student gym the highest rating, while five of the thirty (17%) gave it a poor rating.

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