Friday, August 30, 2019

Challenges/ Problems facing Air Cargo

I had the opportunity of talking to Mark Peterson an employee of National Air Cargo working in the Marketing and planning department and ask him some of the challenges the company is facing and what can be done to solve the problems.National air cargo is a worldwide air cargo service provider that is committed to delivering its clients goods in a fast, efficient and reliable way. As much as it is renowned for the good work it does, it is faced with several challenges that need to be addressed for it to be the very best in this field.The most critical problems/Challenges facing National Air cargoThe fluctuations in the oil prices especially the threats of increasing the global oil prices has seriously affected the air cargo business. National air cargo is feeling this impact as a lot of money is now being spent on fuel and this has led to cuts in various operations and the budget.The impact of this is a reduction in the number of flights so as to meet their budget requirements and mak e profits, some workers being laid off and less profit for the company.Another problem is the Air cargo security risks. National air Cargo is facing potential risks that come in the form of the ever increasing cases of theft and smuggling and the shipping undetected materials so as to meet strict deadlines.This poses a great danger in that one can never be sure of what is being transported and there are possibilities of carrying explosive devices that will not only destroy goods but endangering the lives of all those on board.The future of National air cargoThe future of National Air Cargo will be better and brighter because it aims at expanding its cargo facilities, improving baggage handling equipment as it embraces new technologies and making sure that it retains its employees and even recruit more qualified personnel.All this can and will be achieved if the current leaders take it upon themselves to make sure that they can forecast better on what lies in the future so that when plans are made, they can have allowances for uncertainties and this will ensure that the impact of the uncertainties will not be as harsh as we see now.More attention should also be placed on integrating technology into the system so that there is better advanced ways of tracking cargo as it departs from the ports to their arrival destinations and also to be used in cargo inspection. So that our clients receive the services they are supposed to in a more qualified, responsive and personalized smooth way.Comments or suggestions for members in an air cargo management classManagers and future managers in the air cargo business need to be sufficiently self aware, cognitive and morally developed in order to understand not only how to develop a shared vision within their organizations but also how to effectively communicate and implement the necessary skills, policies and plans that are of use to their businesses.The members attending the air cargo management class should be aware of air operations, be risk takers and listen to their fellow workmates so that they can get to know their views and opinions in certain issues as this will broaden their ways on thinking and even get solutions to the various problems that affect the company.In doing so, they will become better leaders and colleagues who have the best interest of their organization at heart.ReferencesInterview with Mark Peterson, National Air Cargo: Marketing and Planning Department

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