Sunday, July 28, 2019

Disc 11 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Disc 11 - Essay Example Reading this article makes it possible to see that the divine command ethics does not play a crucial role in todays technologically developing world. Despite the fact that moral values ​​are considered to be of particular importance the modern world denies their absolute status. As it is known, the divine command theory suggests that the commandments of God are the only true and cannot be violated under any conditions. However, the realities of the modern world dictate the terms under which it does not always make sense to keep Gods commandments, because this compliance can lead to consequences that are even more tragic. In this regard, a consequentialist ethical system seems to be more justified, since it takes into account the consequences of various actions and deeds of people. One of the most common and rather popular varieties of this theory is utilitarianism. It focuses on the fact that the act can be considered moral in case if it contributes to the happiness for a lot of

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