Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay India’s Aging Population - 1004 Words

India is the largest democracy in the world, a nuclear power and a merging economy (BBC News). Currently, India is the second most populous country and according to United Nations’ projection it will surpass China and become the most populated by 2028 (UN news). In 2028, both China and India are predicted to have 1.45 billion, but China’s population will decrease thereafter whereas India’s will continue to increase. This fact implies China’s controversial population control mechanisms will be successful, while India’s will fail. India dabbled in forced sterilization (vasectomy) in the 1970s; where only men with over two children were suppose to be sterilized; however due to abuse and corruption, many unintended men (and women) â€Å"were†¦show more content†¦Countries with such an outlook (family-orientated) will always have high birth rates. Additionally, cultural notions about family, marriage and children change over centuries because s uch notions are passed down through generations, so they change slowly. Sharma’s personal article is as recent as March 2014 and it shows present-day India. Overtime, these notions are going to change as illustrated by the population decline after 2060. However for the time being cultural attitudes towards marriage and children will cause India’s population to grow. Natural increase of the population occurs when crude birth rate is higher than the crude death rate. In 2013 World Factbook reports the crude birth rate (CBR) and crude death rate (CDR) as 20.24 and 7.39 respectively, which means the natural increase is 12.85 people per 1000. The CBR is almost three times as much as the CDR, which implies that the total fertility rate (TFR) is high, but surprisingly it is only 2.55. Ideally countries want TFR to be 2.1 as it means the country is replacing its population (for each death there is a birth). Arguably, TFR can be any number between two and three because humans can only be measured with whole numbers and the basic point is TFR needs to be just a little higher than 2, so 3 (closest whole number). Considering the fact India is already overpopulated, the TFR means the population will keep growing seeing that as people die, they are already replaced. For India, theShow MoreRelatedHow Are The Population Policies Different Between India And Chin a? Essay1546 Words   |  7 PagesHow are the population policies different between India and China? Guifang Tang Introduction China and India are the two countries which have the largest population in the world. These two countries have many similarities, especially they have fabulous growing speed during the globalization. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Personal Statement On Depression And Depression Essay

I Wadnesha Cherry am expounding on my case in reference to depression claim. Having constant agony implies numerous things change, and a great deal of them is undetectable. Not at all like having disease or being harmed in a mischance, a great many people don t see even somewhat about ceaseless agony and its belongings, and of those that think they know numerous are really misguided. In the soul of advising the individuals who wish to comprehend that these are the things that I might want, for you to comprehend about me under the watchful eye of you judge me in light of the fact that my handicap has been enabling me to keep solid employment. My foot swells on a day to day basis regardless of the medications that I have been prescribed by the VA for pain and swelling. The continuously swelling of my foot enables me to be the woman and the mother that I need to be for my children. It is hard doing things with my children because most of the time I am in so much pain. Because of this pain I really feel less than a woman and a mother because I cannot give to my children the way an able bodied person is able to give to their children. My children miss out on a lot because of my disability not being able to interact with them being in so much pain. They also miss out on a lot because I can’t work and be productive. I can’t stand for long periods of time, and when I do my foot swells which leads to lower back pains, When I wash dishes I have to take a break and then go sit downShow MoreRelatedReaction Paper to Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness1000 Words   |  4 Pagesliterary work â€Å"Darkness Visible: A Memoir of Madness† writes from a very personal viewpoint of the symptoms and the impact of depression, particularly on his own life. Not only his life in general, but how it impacted his social and emotional relationships with others and even the effect on his own self-image. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Example Investigative Fire Report Free Essays

Access to the property is at the gravel driveway to the left and I made entry into the Truckee was made through the front door after documenting photos of the outside of the structure. The fire occurred during the day, which was bright and sunny with temperature at degrees, there was also a slight breeze at about MPH from the n/ w. The breeze would have been blowing against the backside corner of the home. We will write a custom essay sample on Example Investigative Fire Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Witnesses/Occupants 0-1 : john Bush, 100 Eddie Lane, Bottoms, NC 28001 DOBB 12-01-88, occupation – student/part- time evening meme. -2: Susan Bush, 100 Eddie Lane, Bottoms, NC 28001 DOBB 5-11-91, occupation – Statements Made by Witnesses/Occupants Statements made to Fire Captain: 0-2: Said she was up late studying, Just laid down on the couch, fell asleep, did not know how the fire started. Felt sure it was a problem with the house, complained several times to the landlord about problems with no response, complained of several welling Issues. Salad she was a smoker but stated put cigarettes completely out while doing her work. 0-1 : John had agreed with Susan confirming the issues with the wiring. He also stood behind his wife and said she was always safe with her cigarettes Observations Data collection began with photos being taken beginning outside and moving indoors. No smoke alarms or water sprinklers have been noted. Pictures should always be labeled when providing evidence and these photos will be numbered In this report. Upon entry of the structure, the majority of fire damage was concentrated to the main living room area which indicates that this is the point of origin. This room contained a heavily burned sofa and table next to the sofa as shown in pictures #12- #14, the major fuel sources in the room. The fire moved up the wall and across the lining, as shown in pictures #6 At the front door, the heat and smoke began to roll-down and cause damage, as seen In picture #10. Two mattresses are In an The windows in many of the photos remained closed with burned shades which means the fire did not have adequate ventilation to grow rapidly through the structure. The windows which are open may have been opened during suppression of the fire or immediately afterwards to ventilate the structure. One interesting observation in photo #2 is the power box which has no meter, meaning there is no power set up by the power company to this structure. Unless the occupants are stealing power, then an electrical fire can be ruled out. No generator can be seen and no drop cords were photographed, so the theory is that there is no power to the structure (Morris, 4/23/14). Opinions/Theories The point of origin being in the living room with the heaviest damage focused on the end of the sofa and the table next to the sofa. Based on the statements made by the occupants three hypotheses exist as to the cause of the fire: 1 . Based on the severity of the damage to the end of the sofa in photos #12-#14 #17-#19 and the tenements made by the occupants regarding the smoking of cigarettes, a smoldering cigarette fell into the cushions of the sofa and later ignited. In the incipient stage, the temperature had not begun to rise yet and a plume of hot gases rises from the flame (p. 55). Pictures #15-#17 show alligator of the wood in the sofa at the one end which also indicates this is where the fire originated (p. 281). The fuels burned and the heat moved toward the top of the room, this explains the blackening of the ceiling. With the lack of ventilation, the fire did not spread quickly which provided refreshers enough time to respond and suppress. 2. Also, based on the statements made by the occupants regarding smoking cigarettes, I would want to know more about how they normally discarded/dispose of their cigarette butts. Are they dumping an ashtray in a trashcan inside or outside? Could there have been an ashtray on the table next to the sofa which contained either a still lit cigarette or a smoldering cigarette? If so, what type of ashtray? Metal, glass, heavy or lightweight? If any windows were open and the ashtray was light enough, could it have blown off or loon then cigarette off onto the sofa and ignited the fire? This is a working theory because there are questions which need to be answered. 3. Going on the assumption that there is no electricity to the home, it is highly possible there may have been a burning candle either on the window sill behind the sofa or on the table next to the sofa which may have fallen or tipped towards the sofa which ignited the sofa. With statistics showing that 7 out of 10 people in America burn candles and the added question regarding power in this structure, it is a workable theory that a Andre accidentally ignited this fire (p. 173). In photos #12, #13, #19 #20, the window directly behind the end of the sofa which is mostly burned being the origin of the fire, is also heavily blackened from soot and has a darker â€Å"U† burn pattern on the right lower side (p. 258-263). There is no physical evidence to suspect an incendiary cause of the fire to the structure. The evidence and observation supports an accidental cause. Documentation/Evidence A total of 21 photos are attached to the report of the outside and inside of the structure. Close up photos of the point of origin are included. Where recovered, where sent for analysis, and any special notes are included. Summary of Incident On April 21, 2014, Investigator Boiling responded to 100 Eddie Lane, at the request of the Captain from Engine 1 . Arrival at the scene by the unit was 0200 hours. The investigator observed a wood-frame construction, two-story, one-family residence. The investigation revealed that the fire had originated in the living room at the end of the sofa. How to cite Example Investigative Fire Report, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Data and information relative to Caterpillar, Inc. Essay Example For Students

Data and information relative to Caterpillar, Inc. Essay GO was collected via the internet. Current information was crucial to keeping the report timely and accurate. The five members assigned to the group wrote one section per person. Research was conducted on a separate basis, and construction of the report was on a group level. Each team member is responsible for their own assigned areas and nothing more. Financial AnalysisCaterpillar is a publicly traded corporation listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Its SIC codes indicate their main areas of enterprise are construction machinery, internal combustion engines, and short term business credit and insurance. But this dynamic company has many qualities underneath the surface of its image. These qualities are neither good nor bad. These are Caterpillars financial components. SalesCaterpillar, Inc. primary income is made from sales of machinery and engines . These sales are made to clients in construction, agriculture, and manufacturing industries. Caterpillar divides their sales based on geographic location where the For example, third quarter sales were split between North America, EAME (Europe, Africa, and the Middle East), Latin America, and Asia. North America on average takes up 54% of total sales each quarter (see figure 1.)Total sales revenue for the third quarter 2000 amounted to $4.78 billion, one percent higher than the previous year third quarter. Sales volume increased by 2 percent and financial products increased by 12 percent. Caterpillar bases their sales upon two different tiers, although they sell a wide range of different products. The first breakdown consists of what they deem as machinery. The second area of sales consists of engines. Operating profit comparisons for the third quarters of 1999 and 2000 can be seen in table 1. Caterpillar has blamed third quarter deficiencies in revenue on the weak Eurodollar. Since 27 percent of their total sales are made in the European region, their claim may be true. As long as Caterpillar depends on foreign markets for sales, they will face problems with fluctuations in foreign currency. Receivables Caterpillar owns and operates a financing corporation to handle its incredibly large receivable account. Receivables make up 30 percent of total assets and short-term receivables make up 65 percent of current assets. Caterpillar has an acid-test ratio of 1.05 and an accounts receivable turnover of 1.40. Caterpillar, obviously, has taken on a large amount of risk to itself because of this. If Caterpillar were forced to liquidate its assets and pay off its debt, it would have a very hard time trying. Therefore, Caterpillars receivable account is a real weakness to the corporation as a whole. InventoriesInventories have been valued $871 million, an increase of $150 million from last year. This can be viewed in a multitude of ways. Caterpillar may be expecting larger sales volume, and are trying to compensate. Caterpillar could have inventory control problems. Usually, inventory increases are viewed as a negative with a company that should be in theory practicing a just in time approach. CashCash on hand is $398 million. This is only a $110 million increase from December 31, 1999. This means relatively little, as the cash flows for the corporation is what really matters. One look at the statement of cash flows indicates that Caterpillar keeps capital expenditures consistent quarter after quarter. The change in cash and short-term investments indicate the company is removing most of its liquidity. The movement from cash has been used to alleviate its debt. Property, Plant, and EquipmentSpending on longer-term assets has not fluctuated much for the past two years. This means they are not putting much money into production. A good deal of profit is spent increasingly on research and development and financing activities. Long term receivables from financingCaterpillar is the sole owner of Caterpillar Financing, a subsidiary company set up to handle the large amount of financing needed for a construction company to buy their equipment. Note also, that Caterpillars receivables mirror their sales in that they are split in different markets around the globe, making collection on them risky at best. In 1999, Caterpillar sold $1.66 billion of its receivables, and refinanced $594 million others to pay their own creditors. LiabilitiesLiabilities as a whole increased in 1999. In fact, on a percentage basis liabilities increased from 67 percent (1997 to 1998) to a 90 percent rise (1998 to 1999). Any further increase in percentages in the future could be dangerous to Caterpillar because their ability to pay their bills is harder from all the credit they give their customers. Outlook on financial futureCaterpillars board of directors indicate in the third quarter report to investors, that full year 2000 sales and revenues will be higher than in 1999. The outlook on 2001 is a slight increase in sales and revenues. Therefore, if CAT is to be profitable, they must reduce their own debt, and not add too much to their business. StrengthsCaterpillar Incorporation (CAT) is the world-leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines and industrial gas turbines. Caterpillar has become the world leader because of its many strengths, which have propelled it to the top of the industry. It did not accomplish this superior status by just entering the market; it took a great deal of work and planning both internally and externally to become the world leader. Caterpillar has done well in the industrial machinery market because of its many strengths, some of which are stronger than others. Caterpillars strengths consist of its name recognition, worldwide market, internal marketing, mission for the future, Internet (website), giving back to the community, CAT financial (subsidiary), expansion, but most importantly staying at the top of its industry. Caterpillars biggest strength is the name recognition that it has earned by producing a high quality product. Everyone knows that Cat erpillar produces an extremely high quality industrial machine. Caterpillar has made this a main focus, because it knows that people today want to buy quality even if it means spending a little more money. When you as a consumer think of the name Caterpillar your first thought is quality, and that is what every company wants. Caterpillar has used its name recognition to not only become popular here in the United States, but also all over that world (cat.com). One of Caterpillars strengths is that it realized the United States market is only so big, so they expanded to the world market. Although Caterpillar does business overseas it still gets 50% of its sales from right here in the United States. Caterpillar has expanded to the Latin American, Australian, European, and now the China market. Caterpillar believes in making strong alliances with these countries, that way it can build on them for the future. Caterpillar never allowed for itself to become trapped in just a one-country market. By doing this Caterpillar has expanded it products to all of the top countries of the world, which allows for endless possibilities in the market. While expanding over the world market Caterpillar has kept its dealer network a key competitive edge over its competitors. The customers deal with people they know and trust. This is accomplished because most dealerships are locally owned, which allows the dealers to build close relationships with its customers . Most of the dealers are independent businesses, which have been on board for over 50 years. This allows the consumers to build a strong loyalty towards the dealers. There are 207 dealers serving the worldwide market of nearly 200 countries, and they are all locally owned for this reason (cat.com). Media violence EssayLabor ShortagesAs of right now, Caterpillar seeing a time when their business is thriving in most areas, but what does the future hold for Caterpillar. Just a short time ago, Caterpillar faced huge labor strike that could have crippled the company, but now those workers that once were striking, are now back at work. The majority of people working for Caterpillar right now are skilled at what they do, and have years of experience. Because of the difficulty of entering into one of the plants, there are not a lot of new workers that come in. Nine out of ten UAW people at Caterpillar make over $40,000 a year. Thats nearly a third better than the U.S. median. So you can see that once inside the organization, one of the employees wouldnt want to leave, and make room for new trainees. Despite all of these aforementioned things, Caterpillar is expected to have a labor shortage of over 15,000 technicians over the next 5 years (Barrons). Skilled older workers are retiring faster than they can be replaced, and mechanically oriented young people are finding steadier work, better pay and cleaner working conditions in Automotive, aerospace and manufacturing industries. What it comes right down to is the simple fact that in todays job market, most employers are requiring that you have a degree, and even if the y dont require it, someone with a degree will get the job instead of you. Whats going to happen when all of Caterpillars skilled workers, who have been there for years retire from their job. The next generation of workers will have degrees in technological fields, and wont want to go work in a factory setting, when they could be making more money at a computer. Caterpillar and the UAWIf you were to fly into Peoria, Illinois in 1995, you would have encountered a billboard announcing Caterpillar Incr.s pride in its headquarters city. If you would continue on downtown and turn right across and Illinois river bridge, you would be in blue collar east Peoria, home to one of Caterpillars key plants.Here you would have found a less friendly message posted by the United Auto Workers. It stated You are entering a war zone. Caterpillar vs. Its UAW Workers. (American Enterprise)Since the fall of 1991, United Auto Workers have had walkouts or lockouts, one right after another. Even still in 1995, 10,000 CAT unionists were still behind picket lines. The BeginningSometime in 1990, the cooperative atmosphere on the shop floor began to change. The union says that it can be traced back to the day Donald V. Fites became Chairman and CEO. Fites, a civil engineer with a masters in management and an international career with the company, once expressed to an interviewer that a union blocks communication channels and adds a layer of inefficiency to an organization (American Enterprise). Fites pushed for more outscoring, more flexibility in work rules and fewer positions, all threats to union practices and privileges.In the immediate period before Fites took over, CAT had signed two UAW contracts in a row without a strike, the first time that had happened in over 30 years. The StrikeThrough 1991, tensions mounted. By 1992, the confrontation had become a full strike. That round ended with a whipped union, skulking back to work without a contract. Needless to say, this did not leave Union workers satisfied, and they began a campaign of signs, buttons and T-shirts with impolite comments about Fites, and CAT leadership. As the union intended, this did not make CATs floor supervision happy and the union got what they wanted by making the supervisors do things that the union knew they could complain about. There was over 120 National Labor Relations Board complaints against the company. Complaints were things such as illegal suspensions, discharges and preferential treatment of people who crossed picket lines. The UAW was now banned together with their disgusts for the company, so when another company wide strike was called in 1994, nearly all UAW members walked out (American Enterprise). Strike 2The next strike was characterized as a strike for unfair labor practices so that CAT couldnt legally replace the workers like in the previous strike. Workers held up signs like DEERE IS CAT TO ME, but CAT knows that its real competition lies in the German and Asian Market and not in U.S. companies such as Deere, Inc. UAW workers also stated that Caterpillar was trying to impoverish the working class, but this doesnt make a lot of sense, considering as we stated earlier, CAT employees make wages that, on average are a third better than the U.S. median. Labor Management negotiations often improve dramatically when one side begins to hurt, but neither group in Peoria would admit to any pain. Each striker was making $300 a week, plus fully paid insurance, while on strike. The monthly bill for the UAW internationally probably totals about $20 million. Cat workers, however, represent less then 2% of the membership of a union with a strike fund that is more than $900 million. Individual workers might be hurting, but as you can see, the union is not (American Enterprise). After the StrikeWhile the strike centers on important universal issues, the lines were clear-cut and the opponents well matched. Both CAT and the union have major intellectual and financial backing, as well as good reason to come to an agreement. However, the knowledge, skills and commitment needed to survive today in international business must be found on the plant floor as well as in the office. Noting the need for cooperation, the union local president asked What the hell are they going to do when they get that work force back in there? Whos going to cooperate?That quote is the basis for this weakness of Caterpillar, Inc. What is going to happen at the end of this contract when another one needs to be made? Are the employees of caterpillar still bitter about the strike? Are the supervisors and directors at Caterpillar still bitter? Only time will tell. Fites is no longer the Chairman and CEO of Caterpillar, so some problems with him may be solved. But there is no doubt that some bitterness is still present in both the floor and the towers of Caterpillar, Inc. For these reasons, Caterpillar may not be a good purchase of stock. They may be doing quite well now, but what if you invest money in them, only to see your money possibly be dwindled away by another bitter strike, or individual sales were contrived. Words/ Pages : 3,894 / 24